使用:set spell启用拼写检查。如果是源代码,gvim就足够聪明,只能拼写检查注释和字符串文字。
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/bash/390773.html:help spell
To search for the next misspelled word: ]s Move to next misspelled word after the cursor. A count before the command can be used to repeat. 'wrapscan' applies. [s Like "]s" but search backwards,find the misspelled word before the cursor.
Finding suggestions for bad words: z= For the word under/after the cursor,suggest correctly spelled words.
To add words to your own word list: zg Add word under the cursor as a good word
有关更改字典以包括其他区域,语言或单词集(例如,医学术语)的信息,请参阅:help set spelllang
我不把:set spell在我的.vimrc,因为当我编码在我的注释中有太多的变量名称被标记。如果有一个特定的文件类型,你想检查使用一个自动命令在.vimrc。或者只是在需要时手动打开它。