function! Wipeout() " list of *all* buffer numbers let l:buffers = range(1,bufnr('$')) " what tab page are we in? let l:currentTab = tabpagenr() try " go through all tab pages let l:tab = 0 while l:tab < tabpagenr('$') let l:tab += 1 " go through all windows let l:win = 0 while l:win < winnr('$') let l:win += 1 " whatever buffer is in this window in this tab,remove it from " l:buffers list let l:thisbuf = winbufnr(l:win) call remove(l:buffers,index(l:buffers,l:thisbuf)) endwhile endwhile " if there are any buffers left,delete them if len(l:buffers) execute 'bwipeout' join(l:buffers) endif finally " go back to our original tab page execute 'tabnext' l:currentTab endtry endfunction