我认为@sixtyfootersdude有正确的想法 – 让Vim的语法突出显示告诉你什么是评论,什么不是,然后在非评论内搜索匹配。
function! SearchWithSkip(pattern,flags,stopline,timeout,skip) " " Returns true if a match is found for {pattern},but ignores matches " where {skip} evaluates to false. This allows you to do nifty things " like,say,only matching outside comments,only on odd-numbered lines," or whatever else you like. " " Mimics the built-in search() function,but adds a {skip} expression " like that available in searchpair() and searchpairpos(). " (See the Vim help on search() for details of the other parameters.) " " Note the current position,so that if there are no unskipped " matches,the cursor can be restored to this location. " let l:matchpos = getpos('.') " Loop as long as {pattern} continues to be found. " while search(a:pattern,a:flags,a:stopline,a:timeout) > 0 " If {skip} is true,ignore this match and continue searching. " if eval(a:skip) continue endif " If we get here,{pattern} was found and {skip} is false," so this is a match we don't want to ignore. Update the " match position and stop searching. " let l:matchpos = getpos('.') break endwhile " Jump to the position of the unskipped match,or to the original " position if there wasn't one. " call setpos('.',l:matchpos) endfunction
function! SearchOutside(synName,pattern) " " Searches for the specified pattern,but skips matches that " exist within the specified Syntax region. " call SearchWithSkip(a:pattern,'',\ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") =~? "' . a:synName . '"' ) endfunction function! SearchInside(synName,but skips matches that don't " exist within the specified Syntax region. " call SearchWithSkip(a:pattern,"name") !~? "' . a:synName . '"' ) endfunction
command! -nargs=+ -complete=command SearchOutside call SearchOutside(<f-args>) command! -nargs=+ -complete=command SearchInside call SearchInside(<f-args>)
:SearchInside String hello
:SearchOutside Comment double