#! /usr/bin/env python # class subprocess test of python language # 2015-01-07 import subprocess def popen_test(): # use class subprocess to get child's pid,# return value,stdin,stdout,stderr etc. sPopen = subprocess.Popen("ls ${HOME}",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) sPopen.wait() # wait for sPopen's process end print("sPopen.pid: ",sPopen.pid) print("sPopen.returncode: ",sPopen.returncode) print("sPopen.stdin: ",sPopen.stdin) print("sPopen.stdout.read(): ",sPopen.stdout.read()) print("sPopen.stderr: ",sPopen.stderr) # if ... else statement if sPopen.pid == sPopen.pid: print("sPopen.pid == sPopen.pid") else: print("sPopen.pid != sPopen.pid") # communicate can get stderr and stdout out = sPopen.communicate() print("sPopen.communicate out: ",out) print("sPopen.communicate out[0] = ",out[0]," out[1]",out[1],"\n") res = subprocess.Popen("echo \"hello python\"",stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print("res.stdout.read(): ",res.stdout.read()) print("res.returncode: ",res.returncode) def call_test(): # get return code of shell commands retcode = subprocess.call("ls ~/",stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print("subprocess.call retcode: ",retcode) try: res = subprocess.check_call(['ls','-l']) except err: print("subprocess.check_call res: ",res) if __name__ == "__main__": popen_test() call_test()