如何编写一个进程池bash shell

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了如何编写一个进程池bash shell前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有超过10个任务执行,系统限制了最多可以同时运行4个任务。 @H_502_1@我的任务可以像:

@H_502_1@我如何编写一个bash shell脚本来运行这些任务。最重要的是,当一个任务完成时,脚本可以立即启动另一个任务,使运行的任务计数始终保持4。

我在考虑编写自己的流程池的同时,特别喜欢Brandon Horsley的解决方案,尽管我无法获取正确的信号,但我从Apache获得灵感,并决定尝试使用fifo作为前叉模型我的工作排队 @H_502_1@以下功能是工作进程分叉时运行的功能

# \brief the worker function that is called when we fork off worker processes
# \param[in] id  the worker ID
# \param[in] job_queue  the fifo to read jobs from
# \param[in] result_log  the temporary log file to write exit codes to
function _job_pool_worker()
    local id=$1
    local job_queue=$2
    local result_log=$3
    local line=

    exec 7<> ${job_queue}
    while [[ "${line}" != "${job_pool_end_of_jobs}" && -e "${job_queue}" ]]; do
        # workers block on the exclusive lock to read the job queue
        flock --exclusive 7
        read line <${job_queue}
        flock --unlock 7
        # the worker should exit if it sees the end-of-job marker or run the
        # job otherwise and save its exit code to the result log.
        if [[ "${line}" == "${job_pool_end_of_jobs}" ]]; then
            # write it one more time for the next sibling so that everyone
            # will know we are exiting.
            echo "${line}" >&7
            _job_pool_echo "### _job_pool_worker-${id}: ${line}"
            # run the job
            { ${line} ; } 
            # now check the exit code and prepend "ERROR" to the result log entry
            # which we will use to count errors and then strip out later.
            local result=$?
            local status=
            if [[ "${result}" != "0" ]]; then
            # now write the error to the log,making sure multiple processes
            # don't trample over each other.
            exec 8<> ${result_log}
            flock --exclusive 8
            echo "${status}job_pool: exited ${result}: ${line}" >> ${result_log}
            flock --unlock 8
            exec 8>&-
            _job_pool_echo "### _job_pool_worker-${id}: exited ${result}: ${line}"
    exec 7>&-
@H_502_1@你可以在Github get a copy of my solution。这是一个使用我的实现的示例程序。


. job_pool.sh

function foobar()
    # do something

# initialize the job pool to allow 3 parallel jobs and echo commands
job_pool_init 3 0

# run jobs
job_pool_run sleep 1
job_pool_run sleep 2
job_pool_run sleep 3
job_pool_run foobar
job_pool_run foobar
job_pool_run /bin/false

# wait until all jobs complete before continuing

# more jobs
job_pool_run /bin/false
job_pool_run sleep 1
job_pool_run sleep 2
job_pool_run foobar

# don't forget to shut down the job pool

# check the $job_pool_nerrors for the number of jobs that exited non-zero
echo "job_pool_nerrors: ${job_pool_nerrors}"
