但是,有一件事我的大脑需要做一点点思考:这是文本选择模式。在非vi编辑器中,我将使用Shift Arrow,并在MacVim中尝试此操作不起作用。但另一方面,它并没有看向我,Shift Arrow也被用于任何其他的东西。是否可以重新映射密钥以使其成为可能?
Text editors on Mac OS X lets the user
hold down shift+movement key to extend
the selection. Also,pressing a
printable key whilst selecting
replaces the current selection with
that character. MacVim can emulate
this kind of behavIoUr (by providing
key bindings and by setting ‘keymodel’
and ‘selectmode’ to non-default
values) although it is not enabled by
default. To make MacVim behave more
like TextEdit and less like Vim,add
the following lines to your “~/.vimrc”
(not .gvimrc) file:
if has("gui_macvim") let macvim_hig_shift_movement = 1 endif