当我开始使用vim时,我很烦,我没有使用hjkl移动,而是使用箭头键。提醒我不要这样做,我重新点了箭头键,让自己不要使用它 – 我知道使用主排导航将是一个更好的长期计划,所以我删除了正确的强化,我会得到工作箭头键。
map <left> <nop> map <right> <nop> # I quickly removed nop's for up and down because using # the mouse wheel to scroll is sometimes useful
let g:last_mov_key = 'none' let g:times_mov_key_repeated = 0 function! MovementKey(key) if (g:last_mov_key == a:key) let g:times_mov_key_repeated = g:times_mov_key_repeated + 1 else let g:last_mov_key = a:key let g:times_mov_key_repeated = 0 endif if g:times_mov_key_repeated > 3 echo "Negative Reinforcement!" endif endfunction noremap j :call MovementKey('j')<CR>gj noremap k :call MovementKey('k')<CR>gk noremap h :call MovementKey('h')<CR>h noremap l :call MovementKey('l')<CR>l
但是我终于想出了一个使用key maps that returned an expression的方法:
function! DisableIfNonCounted(move) range if v:count return a:move else " You can make this do something annoying like: " echoerr "Count required!" " sleep 2 return "" endif endfunction function! SetDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted(on) let keys_to_disable = get(g:,"keys_to_disable_if_not_preceded_by_count",["j","k","l","h","gj","gk"]) if a:on for key in keys_to_disable execute "noremap <expr> <silent> " . key . " DisableIfNonCounted('" . key . "')" endfor let g:keys_to_disable_if_not_preceded_by_count = keys_to_disable let g:is_non_counted_basic_motions_disabled = 1 else for key in keys_to_disable try execute "unmap " . key catch /E31:/ endtry endfor let g:is_non_counted_basic_motions_disabled = 0 endif endfunction function! ToggleDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted() let is_disabled = get(g:,"is_non_counted_basic_motions_disabled",0) if is_disabled call SetDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted(0) else call SetDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted(1) endif endfunction command! ToggleDisablingOfNonCountedBasicMotions :call ToggleDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted() command! DisableNonCountedBasicMotions :call SetDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted(1) command! EnableNonCountedBasicMotions :call SetDisablingOfBasicMotionsIfNonCounted(0) DisableNonCountedBasicMotions
在你的〜/ .vimrc中有g:keys_to_disable_if_not_preceded_by_count。
let g:keys_to_disable_if_not_preceded_by_count = ["j","k"]
另外,如gist所述,您可能会发现在〜/ .vimrc以及上面的代码中添加类似的东西非常有用。
set number if has('autocmd') augroup vimrc_linenumbering autocmd! autocmd WinLeave * \ if &number | \ set norelativenumber | \ endif autocmd BufWinEnter * \ if &number | \ set relativenumber | \ endif autocmd VimEnter * \ if &number | \ set relativenumber | \ endif augroup END