for file in 'ls Testing'; do (echo <password>|gpg --passphrase-fd 0 -d $file --output $file.decrypted);
我的语法有什么问题?有没有一个更有效的方式来做这个没有bash shell循环?
--passphrase-fd n Read the passphrase from file descriptor n. Only the first line will be read from file descriptor n. If you use 0 for n,the passphrase will be read from STDIN. This can only be used if only one passphrase is supplied. Note that this passphrase is only used if the option --batch has also been given. This is different from gpg. --passphrase string Use string as the passphrase. This can only be used if only one passphrase is supplied. ObvIoUsly,this is of very questionable security on a multi-user sys‐ tem. Don't use this option if you can avoid it. Note that this passphrase is only used if the option --batch has also been given. This is different from gpg.
echo "passphrase" | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch -d --output "decrypted.file" "file.gpg"
gpg --passphrase "passphrase" --batch -d --output "decrypted.file" "file.gpg"
#!/bin/bash read -rsp "Enter passphrase: " PASSPHRASE for FILE in *.*.gpg; do echo "Extracting $FILE to ${FILE%.gpg}." echo "$PASSPHRASE" | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch -d --output "${FILE%.gpg}" "$FILE" done