$ tput lines # my terminal 28 $ docker run --rm -it ubuntu:16.04 tput lines # docker container 24 ## WHY?? $ docker run --rm -it ubuntu:16.04 bash # docker container inside command root@810effa2777c:/# tput lines 28
正如你所看到的,即使所有结果都应该是28,当我将容器称为docker run –rm -it ubuntu:16.04 tput lines时,尽管我的终端大小,它总是给我24。这不仅仅是ubuntu容器,我也试过debian(docker run –rm -it debian tput lines)并且我得到的结果相同24。
这样做的目的是使用mdp presentation tool,它考虑了终端中的线路。当我的实现失败时,我尝试了其他人的docker implementation,但我遇到了同样的错误。
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
这意味着默认的ENTRYPOINT是sh -c(我怀疑tput线在sh会话中运行良好,因为tput使用terminfo数据库,可能只为该图像中的bash设置)
您可以尝试用bash -c覆盖ENTRYPOINT并检查它是否更好。
docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash --rm -it ubuntu:16.04 -i -c 'tput lines' 24
FROM ubuntu:16.04 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash","-c"]
docker run --rm -it u 'tput lines' 24
FROM ubuntu:16.04 ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash" ]
docker@default:/c/Users/vonc/prog/testsu$ docker run --rm -it u -i -c 'ls; tput lines' bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var 48
实际上,以下内容始终返回“not 24”:
FROM ubuntu:16.04 ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash","-l","-i","-c" ] docker run --rm -it u -c 'sleep 0.1; ls; tput lines' 48
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash ubuntu:16.04 -c "sleep 0.1 && tput lines"
Given the success of sleep my suspicion is that docker spins up the container with the running command,and once up,the client attaches to the running container.
Typically something that takes milliseconds.
docker@default:/c/Users/vonc/prog/testsu$ docker run --entrypoint='/bin/bash' --name ub -d -it ubuntu:16.04 0d9b8783afbb5e3ff4232da071d3f357985351ea1ce4d142bf6617ac456fb76b docker@default:/c/Users/vonc/prog/testsu$ d attach ub root@0d9b8783afbb:/# tput lines 48 root@0d9b8783afbb:/# exit exit docker@default:/c/Users/vonc/prog/testsu$ drmae 0d9b8783afbb5e3ff4232da071d3f357985351ea1ce4d142bf6617ac456fb76b
(关于drmae别名,请参阅“How to remove old and unused Docker images”)
the container is created,then started with the defaults (
),and after that (when-it
),a session is attached.
The session is specifying the size of the terminal;
请参见“Resize a container TTY”API。
DEBU[0244] Calling POST /v1.25/containers/c42fd5c4eb79c06fd7f9912b8359022f7d93887afbb33b57a67ed8bb7bfee43a/resize?h=46&w=221
有关更多信息,请参阅docker issue 25450。
它与issue 10341 “Container create or start should accept height/width params”有关.Aleksa Sarai (cyphar)补充(2016年9月):
This has actually popped up again inside the runtime-spec (070013).
Basically,since Windows requires the ability to set the console size on first start,we might end up adding it for all platforms.
OP silgon指出了api/client/container/run.go
// Telling the Windows daemon the initial size of the tty during start makes // a far better user experience rather than relying on subsequent resizes // to cause things to catch up. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { hostConfig.ConsoleSize[0],hostConfig.ConsoleSize[1] = dockerCli.GetTtySize() }
would it make sense to use this property on Linux as well,and set the initial console size using that value?
Kenfe-Mickaël Laventure (mlaventure
)就在它上面,一个新的补丁可以到Docker 1.13。