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@L_502_0@3个答案set -e(或以#!/ bin / sh -e开头的脚本)对于在出现问题时自动轰炸非常有用。它使我不必错误地检查可能失败的每个命令。
#!/bin/sh -e echo "the following command could fail:" false echo "this is after the command that fails"
the following command could fail:
#!/bin/sh -e my_function() { echo "the following command could fail:" false echo "this is after the command that fails" } if ! my_function; then echo "dealing with the problem" fi echo "run this all the time regardless of the success of my_function"
the following command could fail: dealing with the problem run this all the time regardless of the success of my_function
the following output could fail: this is after the command that fails run this all the time regardless of the success of my_function
(即函数忽略set -e)
这可能是预期的行为。我的问题是:如何在shell函数中获得效果并使用set -e?我发现the same question在Stack Overflow之外被问到但没有合适的答案。
从set -e的文档:
When this option is on,if a simple command fails for any of the
reasons listed in Consequences of
Shell Errors or returns an exit status
value >0,and is not part of the
compound list following a while,
until,or if keyword,and is not a
part of an AND or OR list,and is not
a pipeline preceded by the ! reserved
word,then the shell shall immediately
set -e ! { false; echo hi; }