#include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<sys/types.h> main() { int pipdes[2]; char buff[50]; const char parent[]="Parent Writes. Child Reads\n"; const char child[]="Child Writes. Parent Reads\n"; if(pipe(pipdes)==0) { pid_t pid=fork(); if(pid<0) printf("Error\n"); if(pid==0) read(pipdes[0],buff,50); printf("Parent: %s",buff); write(pipdes[1],child,strlen(child)); exit(0); } else if(pid>0) { write(pipdes[1],parent,strlen(parent)); wait(pid); read(pipdes[0],50); printf("Child: %s",buff); } } else printf("Error in pipe\n"); }
此外,当我把传统的’close(pipdes [0])’用于父级和’close(pipdes [1])’用于子级时,代码不起作用,尽管我添加了open(pipdes [0])函数后来.
实际上,您的代码存在问题 – 两个进程都试图读取和写入同一个管道.管道的预期用途是孩子写,父母读,反之亦然.你现在正在做的事情目前适用于你,因为你正在读书和写作并等待孩子.但是当你按照你正在做的方式做事时循环,你不能等待 – 没有同步,孩子经常(但不总是!)最终阅读它打算发送给父母的东西,并且反之亦然.
如果您希望数据在两个方向上流动,则可以使用两对管道.我们称之为parent_pipe和child_pipe.父节点将从parent_pipe [0]读取并写入child_pipe [1],子节点将从child_pipe [0]读取并写入parent_pipe [1].
#include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<sys/types.h> int main() { int parent_pipe[2]; int child_pipe[2]; char buff[50]; if(pipe(parent_pipe) || pipe(child_pipe)) { perror("pipe(...)"); exit(1); } // As noted elsewhere,you're using `fork()` incorrectly. // `fork()` returns 0 to the child,and a pid to the parent,or -1 if an error // occurs. int pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { perror("fork()"); exit(1); } if (pid == 0) { // this is the child process. read from child_pipe,write to parent_pipe const char child[]="Child Writes. Parent Reads\n"; int in,out; in = child_pipe[0]; // in = parent_pipe[0]; // uncomment me to test with one pipe pair out = parent_pipe[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { read(in,buff); // NOTE: `strlen(child)` doesn't include the nul at the end! write(out,strlen(child) + 1); } } else { // this is the parent process const char parent[]="Parent Writes. Child Reads\n"; int in,out; in = parent_pipe[0]; out = child_pipe[1]; // out = parent_pipe[1]; // uncomment me to test with one pipe pair for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { write(out,strlen(parent) + 1); read(in,buff); } } }
或者,您可以使用一对使用socketpair创建的UNIX套接字(AF_LOCAL,SOCK_STREAM,sockdes)(其中sockdes是我们重命名为pipdes的,因为它现在是套接字,而不是管道).孩子会读取和写入sockdes [0],父母会读取并写入sockdes [1].或相反亦然.