我已经设置:让g:PHP_folding 2和:set foldmethod = Syntax但无效.我很确定文件是在正确的位置并由vim读取,因为我可以这样做:让g:PHP_sql_query = 1可行.
:Syntax enable(或:Syntax on)有效,因为这两个选项也会打开文件类型检测.在折叠或突出显示工作之前必须检测文件类型.
set nocompatible " Because filetype detection doesn't work well in compatible mode filetype plugin indent on " Turns on filetype detection,filetype plugins,and filetype indenting all of which add nice extra features to whatever language you're using Syntax enable " Turns on filetype detection if not already on,and then applies filetype-specific highlighting.
然后你可以把你的let g:PHP_folding = 2并在你的〜/ .vim / after / ftplugin / PHP.vim文件中设置foldmethod = Syntax.
这将保持您的.vimrc文件干净,帮助组织您的所有设置,foldmethod =语法只会影响PHP文件(如果您想将语法设置为所有文件类型的默认折叠方法,请将该行留在.vimrc文件中)
:help filetype :help usr_05.txt :help usr_43.txt