#!/bin/bash #$HOME/.bashrc.d/autocomplete.sh autocomplete_wrapper() { BASE="${READLINE_LINE% *} " #we save the line except for the last argument [[ "$BASE" == "$READLINE_LINE " ]] && BASE=""; #if the line has only 1 argument,we set the BASE to blank EXPANSION=($(autocomplete "${READLINE_LINE##* }")) [[ ${#EXPANSION[@]} -gt 1 ]] && echo "${EXPANSION[@]:1}" #if there is more than 1 match,we echo them READLINE_LINE="$BASE${EXPANSION[0]}" #the current line is now the base + the 1st element READLINE_POINT=${#READLINE_LINE} #we move our cursor at the end of the current line } autocomplete() { LAST_CMD="$1" #Special starting character expansion for '~','./' and '/' [[ "${LAST_CMD:0:1}" == "~" ]] && LAST_CMD="$HOME${LAST_CMD:1}" S=1; [[ "${LAST_CMD:0:1}" == "/" || "${LAST_CMD:0:2}" == "./" ]] && S=2; #we don't expand those #we do the path expansion of the last argument here by adding a * before each / EXPANSION=($(echo "$LAST_CMD*" | sed s:/:*/:"$S"g)) if [[ ! -e "${EXPANSION[0]}" ]];then #if the path cannot be expanded,we don't change the output echo "$LAST_CMD" elif [[ "${#EXPANSION[@]}" -eq 1 ]];then #else if there is only one match,we output it echo "${EXPANSION[0]}" else #else we expand the path as much as possible and return all the possible results while [[ $l -le "${#EXPANSION[0]}" ]]; do for i in "${EXPANSION[@]}"; do if [[ "${EXPANSION[0]:$l:1}" != "${i:$l:1}" ]]; then CTRL_LOOP=1 break fi done [[ $CTRL_LOOP -eq 1 ]] && break ((l++)) done #we add the partial solution at the beggining of the array of solutions echo "${EXPANSION[0]:0:$l} ${EXPANSION[@]}" fi }
source "$HOME/.bashrc.d/autocomplete.sh" bind -x '"\t" : autocomplete_wrapper'
>$cd /u/lo/b<TAB> >$cd /usr/local/bin >$cd /u/l<TAB> /usr/local /usr/lib >$cd /usr/l
可以将绑定行添加到〜/ .bashrc文件中,执行以下操作:
if [[ -s "$HOME/.bashrc.d/autocomplete.sh" ]]; then source "$HOME/.bashrc.d/autocomplete.sh" bind -x '"\t" : autocomplete_wrapper' fi
(摘自this answer)
注意:在某些情况下,如果您尝试自动完成“/ path / with spaces / something”,则会出现错误,因为要完成的最后一个参数由${READLINE_LINE ## *}确定.如果在您的情况下这是一个问题,您应该编写一个函数,在考虑引号时返回行的最后一个参数