sed -e '/XXXX/,+4d' fv.out
sed -e '/XXXX/,~5d' fv.out
## If line doesn't match the pattern... /pattern/ ! { ## Append line to 'hold space'. H ## Copy content of 'hold space' to 'pattern space' to work with it. g ## If there are more than 5 lines saved,print and remove the first ## one. It's like a FIFO. /\(\n[^\n]*\)\{6\}/ { ## Delete the first '\n' automatically added by prevIoUs 'H' command. s/^\n// ## Print until first '\n'. P ## Delete data printed just before. s/[^\n]*// ## Save updated content to 'hold space'. h } ### Added to fix an error pointed out by potong in comments. ### ======================================================= ## If last line,print lines left in 'hold space'. ${ x s/^\n// p } ### ======================================================= ## Read next line. b } ## If line matches the pattern... /pattern/ { ## Remove all content of 'hold space'. It has the five prevIoUs ## lines,which won't be printed. x s/^.*$// x ## Read next four lines and append them to 'pattern space'. N ; N ; N ; N ## Delete all. s/^.*$// }
sed -nf script.sed infile