@H_502_1@BAR=$(basename $FOO) # result is BAR="baz" BAZ=${BAR:0:1} # result is BAZ="b"这不是
@H_502_1@BAZ=${$(basename $FOO):0:1} # result is bad substitution
@H_502_1@BAR=$(basename $FOO) # result is BAR="baz"
BAZ=${BAR:0:1} # result is BAZ="b"
@H_502_1@DEFINITIONS The following definitions are used throughout the rest of this docu‐ ment. blank A space or tab. word A sequence of characters considered as a single unit by the shell. Also known as a token. name A word consisting only of alphanumeric characters and under‐ scores,and beginning with an alphabetic character or an under‐ score. Also referred to as an identifier.然后稍后
@H_502_1@PARAMETERS A parameter is an entity that stores values. It can be a name,a num‐ ber,or one of the special characters listed below under Special Param‐ eters. A variable is a parameter denoted by a name. A variable has a value and zero or more attributes. Attributes are assigned using the declare builtin command (see declare below in SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS).之后当它定义你所要求的语法时:
@H_502_1@${parameter:offset:length} Substring Expansion. Expands to up to length characters of parameter starting at the character specified by offset.因此,在联机帮助页中阐述的规则表示${foo:x:y}构造必须具有参数作为第一部分,并且参数只能是名称,数字或少数特殊参数字符之一. $(basename $FOO)不是参数允许的可能性之一.