这个问题的原始答案包括一个指向CSWrapper应用程序的指针,它显然修复了一些用户体验Vim和CScope的错误.但是,我的Vim / CScope安装工作正常;我只是想扩展功能,允许使用Vim编辑其他语言的代码.
Although Cscope was originally intended only for use with C code,it’s
actually a very flexible tool that works well with languages like C++
and Java. You can think of it as a generic ‘grep’ database,with the
ability to recognize certain additional constructs like function calls
and variable definitions. By default Cscope only parses C,lex,and
yacc files (.c,.h,.l,.y) in the current directory (and
subdirectories,if you pass the -R flag),and there’s currently no way
to change that list of file extensions (yes,we ought to change that).
So instead you have to make a list of the files that you want to
parse,and call it ‘cscope.files’ (you can call it anything you want
if you invoke ‘cscope -i foofile’). An easy (and very flexible) way to
do this is via the trusty Unix ‘find’ command:
find . -name '*.java' > cscope.files
Now run ‘cscope -b’ to rebuild the database (the -b just builds the database without launching the Cscope GUI),and you’ll be able to browse all the symbols in your Java files. Apparently there are folks out there using Cscope to browse and edit large volumes of documentation files,which shows how flexible Cscope’s parser is.