我注意到了this post.它将光标放在正确的逻辑行上.但光标在窗口中的物理位置是第一行或中间.
au BufWinLeave * .tex mkview
au VimEnter * .tex loadview
>执行所有启动的东西,包括加载.vimrc文件,执行“-c cmd”参数,创建所有窗口并加载它们中的缓冲区.
通过创建一个文件夹〜/ .vim / view,你将保留所有的“view-snapshot-files”.
如果您正在使用git来跨计算机同步〜/ .vim,也许你想要
>忽略〜/ .vim / view中的文件,
>创建一个空文件:〜/ .vim / view / .gitignore
>把view / *和!.gitignore放在〜/ .vim / .gitignore中
au BufWinLeave *.c mkview au BufWinEnter *.c silent loadview
编辑根据Hongying的意见,结合某些插件,如果您使用VimEnter auto命令加载视图,则可能会更好.
silent! normal! zE let s:l = 88 - ((4 * winheight(0) + 4) / 9) if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif exe s:l normal! zt 88 normal! 025l
*:mkvie* *:mkview* :mkvie[w][!] [file] Write a Vim script that restores the contents of the current window. When [!] is included an existing file is overwritten. When [file] is omitted or is a number from 1 to 9,a name is generated and 'viewdir' prepended. When the last directory name in 'viewdir' does not exist,this directory is created. An existing file is always overwritten then. Use |:loadview| to load this view again. When [file] is the name of a file ('viewdir' is not used),a command to edit the file is added to the generated file. The output of ":mkview" contains these items: 1. The argument list used in the window. When the global argument list is used it is reset to the global list. The index in the argument list is also restored. 2. The file being edited in the window. If there is no file,the window is made empty. 3. Restore mappings,abbreviations and options local to the window if 'viewoptions' contains "options" or "localoptions". For the options it restores only values that are local to the current buffer and values local to the window. When storing the view as part of a session and "options" is in 'sessionoptions',global values for local options will be stored too. 4. Restore folds when using manual folding and 'viewoptions' contains "folds". Restore manually opened and closed folds. 5. The scroll position and the cursor position in the file. Doesn't work very well when there are closed folds. 6. The local current directory,if it is different from the global current directory.