原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/bash/385044.htmlbash -c 'rsync -avz --delete --exclude=proc --exclude=sys root@remote1:/ /mnt/remote1/'
我希望能够“设置它并忘记它”但是如果/ mnt / remote1被卸载了怎么办? (重启后或其他什么)我想在没有挂载/ mnt / remote1的情况下出错,而不是填满本地文件系统.
#!/bin/bash DATA=data ERROR="0" if cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/mounts | grep -q "^/mnt/$1\$"; then ERROR=0 else if mount /dev/vg/$1 /mnt/$1; then ERROR=0 else ERROR=$? echo "Can't backup $1,/mnt/$1 could not be mounted: $ERROR" fi fi if [ "$ERROR" = "0" ]; then if cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/mounts | grep -q "^/mnt/$1/$DATA\$"; then ERROR=0 else if mount /dev/vg/$1$DATA /mnt/$1/data; then ERROR=0 else ERROR=$? echo "Can't backup $1,/mnt/$1/data could not be mounted." fi fi fi if [ "$ERROR" = "0" ]; then rsync -aqz --delete --numeric-ids --exclude=proc --exclude=sys \ root@$1.domain:/ /mnt/$1/ RETVAL=$? echo "Backup of $1 completed,return value of rsync: $RETVAL" fi