#!/bin/bash colour(){ #$1=text to colourise $2=colour id printf "%s%s%s" $(tput setaf $2) "$1" $(tput sgr0) } game_over() { #$1=message $2=score printf "\n%s\n%s\n" "$(colour "Game Over!" 1)" "$1" printf "Your score: %s\n" "$(colour $2 3)" exit 0 } score=0 clear while true; do word=$(shuf -n1 /usr/share/dict/words) #random word from dictionary word=${word,} #to lower case len=${#word} let "timeout=(3+$len)/2" printf "%s (time %s): " "$(colour $word 2)" "$(colour $timeout 3)" read -t $timeout -n $len input #read input here if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then game_over "You did not answer in time" $score elif [ "$input" != "$word" ]; then game_over "You did not type the word correctly" $score; fi printf "\n" let "score+=$timeout" done