shell – 从Excel Vba调用Unix脚本

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了shell – 从Excel Vba调用Unix脚本前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



Public Sub Chgaccper()

Dim vPath As String
Dim vFile As String
Dim vSubpath As String
Dim vscript As String
Dim fNum As Long
Dim oShell

Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

vPath = ThisWorkbook.Path

'Mounting file command for ftp.exe
fNum = FreeFile()
Open vPath & "\Chg.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1,"c:\"
Print #1,"set PATH=" & vPath & ";%PATH% "
Print #1," "
Print #1,"plink server Name -l uname -pw Password "
Print #1,"cd /root/home/temp "
Print #1,"chmod 666 *.csv "
Print #1,"cd /root/home/temp1 "
Print #1,"exit "
Print #1," "
Close #1

vscript = "" & vPath & "\Chg.txt"

If fso.FolderExists("C:\Windows\System32") = False Then
Shell "C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe -s:" & vscript & ""
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe -s:" & vscript & ""

End If

SetAttr vPath & "\Chg.txt",vbNormal
Kill vPath & "\Chg.txt"

End Sub
一种选择是在WScript.Shell中打开plink会话,而不是使用VBA的Shell使用脚本文件执行它. plink程序将从命令行以交互模式运行,WshExec对象使您可以直接访问正在执行的进程的标准输入和标准输出流.这个简短的示例演示了如何以交互方式使用它(它登录到公共 telnet服务器并执行fnord命令),并将所有控制台输出复制到即时窗口中:
Private Sub Fnord()
    Dim shell As Object
    Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Dim console As Object
    'Open plink in interactive mode.
    Set console = shell.Exec("c:\putty\plink -telnet -P 443")
    'Wait for a command prompt.
    WaitForResponseText console,"."
    'Send the fnord command to standard input.
    console.StdIn.Write ("fnord" & vbCr)
    'Wait for the server to echo it back.
    WaitForResponseText console,".fnord"
    'Read the standard output through the next command prompt.
    WaitForResponseText console,"."
    'Exit the telent session.
    console.StdIn.Write ("exit" & vbCr)
End Sub

Private Sub WaitForResponseText(console As Object,response As String)
    Dim out As String
    'Make sure there's output to read.
    If console.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then Exit Sub
        'Read a line from standard output.
        out = console.StdOut.ReadLine()
        'Not strictly required,but allows killing the process if this doesn't exit.
        'Send the server output to the immediate window.
        Debug.Print out
        'Check for the response we're waiting for.
        If InStr(out,response) Then
            Exit Do
        End If
    Loop Until console.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
End Sub


Public Sub Chgaccper()
    Dim shell As Object
    Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Dim console As Object
    'Open plink in interactive mode.
    Set console = shell.Exec("c:\putty\plink server Name -l uname -pw Password")
    'Send your commands to the standard input.
    console.StdIn.Write ("cd /root/home/temp" & vbCr)
    console.StdIn.Write ("chmod 666 *.csv" & vbCr)
    console.StdIn.Write ("cd /root/home/temp1" & vbCr)
    console.StdIn.Write ("chmod 666 *.csv" & vbCr)
    console.StdIn.Write ("exit" & vbCr)
End Sub

