我有一个单元测试夹具,我试图在ASP.NET MVC控制器上测试一个ControllerAction,该控件用于Web应用程序的成员函数。我试图模拟测试的HttpContext。被测试的ControllerAction实际上设置了HttpContext上的属性,例如Session值,Response.Cookies值等。这不是所有的代码,但是这里是我正试图运行的测试的粗略示例:
[Test] public void ValidRegistrationDataSuccessfullyCreatesAndRegistersUser() { var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>() {DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock}; context.SetupAllProperties(); var provider = new Mock<MembershipProvider>(new object[] {context.Object}); var controller = new AccountController(context.Object,provider.Object); // This just sets up a local FormCollection object with valid user data // in it to use to attempt the registration InitializeValidFormData(); ActionResult result = controller.Register(_registrationData); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(ViewResult),result); // Here is where I'd like to attempt to do Assertions against properties // of the HttpContext,like ensuring that a Session object called "User" // exists,and new auth cookie exists on the Response.Cookies collection. // So far I've been unable to successfully check the values of those properties. // I've been unsuccessful in getting those properties setup correctly on my // mock object so that my ControllerAction can actually *set* their values,// and that I can make assertions on them afterwards. The above code actually // generates a StackOverflowException (which I've reported) on the // context.SetupAllProperties() call. What am I doing wrong,or what do I need // to do to be able to set and assert on those context properties? }
我接近这个错误的方式吗?我知道MVC控制器有一个ControllerContext,可以用来为Session等设置值,但是我无法确定如何在没有注入的情况下嘲笑它。有办法吗? (我也需要能够将上下文传递给我的MembershipProvider)这会是一个更好的方法吗?
我正在使用一些史蒂夫·桑德森(Steve Sanderson)在他的
Pro Asp.NET MVC book中包含的一些代码,而且我目前正面临道德上的困境,无论是否在这里发布代码。我如何妥协与高度精简的版本?