session["foo"] = 1; session["Foo"] = 2; Trace.Write(session["foo"].ToString()); // => 2
@H_301_10@ HttpSessionState的密钥不区分大小写,以匹配经典ASP Session对象的行为。这使得开发人员更容易将ASP应用程序移植到ASP.NET中,而不会引入细微的区分大小写的问题。QueryString,Cookies等对象和其他类似于Classic-ASP的内置对象都是相同的不区分大小写的关键字。
The underlying structure for this
class is a hash table.Each element is a key/value pair.
The capacity of a
NameObjectCollectionBase is the number
of elements the
NameObjectCollectionBase can hold. As
elements are added to a
NameObjectCollectionBase,the capacity
is automatically increased as required
through reallocation.The hash code provider dispenses hash
codes for keys in the
NameObjectCollectionBase instance. The
default hash code provider is the
CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.The comparer determines whether two
keys are equal. The default comparer
is the CaseInsensitiveComparer.In .NET Framework version 1.0,this
class uses culture-sensitive string
comparisons. However,in .NET
Framework version 1.1 and later,this
class uses
CultureInfo..::.InvariantCulture when
comparing strings. For more
information about how culture affects
comparisons and sorting,see Comparing
and Sorting Data for a Specific
Culture Comparing and Sorting Data for
a Specific Cultureand Performing
Culture-Insensitive String Operations.