strURL = "http://www.storeboard.com/profile/profile_view.asp?MemberID=" & MemberID & "&sid=" & cSession.SessionID Set oXMLHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") oXMLHttp.open "GET",strURL,false oXMLHttp.send() IF oXMLHttp.status = 200 THEN strOut = oXMLHttp.responseText ELSE strOut = "Could not get XML data." END IF Set oXMLHttp = nothing
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out /handle404.asp,line 291
If the ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP component must send a request to
another ASP on the same server,the target ASP must be located in a
different virtual directory and set to run in high isolation. Avoid
using ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP to send a request to an ASP that is
located in the same virtual directory.…
A finite number of worker threads (in the Inetinfo.exe or Dllhost.exe
process) is available to execute ASP pages. If all of the ASP worker
threads send HTTP requests back to the same Inetinfo.exe or
Dllhost.exe process on the server from which the requests are sent,
the Inetinfo.exe or Dllhost.exe process may deadlock or stop
responding (hang),because the pool of worker threads to process the
incoming requests will be exhausted. This is by design.