在做了大量研究之后,似乎在不阻塞ASP.Net线程的情况下执行此操作的最佳方法是使用async / await任务方法使用SQL查询:
[HttpPost] public async Task<JsonResult> Action() { // initialization stuff // create tasks to run async sql queries ConcurrentBag<Tuple<DateTime,List<long>>> weeklyObsIdBag = new ConcurrentBag<Tuple<DateTime,List<long>>>(); Task[] taskList = new Task[reportDates.Count()]; int idx = 0; foreach (var reportDate in reportDates) { //15 <= reportDates.Count() <= 52 var task = Task.Run(async () => { using (var sioDbContext = new SioDbContext()) { var historyEntryQueryable = sioDbContext.HistoryEntries .AsNoTracking() .AsQueryable<HistoryEntry>(); var obsIdList = await getObsIdListAsync( historyEntryQueryable,reportDate ); weeklyObsIdBag.Add(new Tuple<DateTime,List<long>>(reportDate,obsIdList)); } }); taskList[idx++] = task; } //await for all the tasks to complete await Task.WhenAll(taskList); // consume the results from long running sql queries,// which is stored in weeklyObsIdBag } private async Task<List<long>> getObsIdListAsync( IQueryable<HistoryEntry> historyEntryQueryable,DateTime reportDate ) { //apply reportDate condition to historyEntryQueryable //run async query List<long> obsIdList = await historyEntryQueryable.Select(he => he.ObjectId) .Distinct() .ToListAsync() .ConfigureAwait(false); return obsIdList; }
(from Elmah error log) "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached." "The wait operation timed out"
它是由线程饥饿引起的吗?我感觉我可能在线程池中使用了太多线程来实现我想要的东西,但我认为这应该不是问题,因为我使用async / await来阻止所有线程被阻塞.
int concurrentTasksLimit = 5; List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>(); foreach (var reportDate in reportDates) { //15 <= reportDates.Count() <= 52 var task = Task.Run(async () => { using (var sioDbContext = new SioDbContext()) { var historyEntryQueryable = sioDbContext.HistoryEntries .AsNoTracking() .AsQueryable<HistoryEntry>(); var obsIdList = await getObsIdListAsync( historyEntryQueryable,reportDate ); weeklyObsIdBag.Add(new Tuple<DateTime,obsIdList)); } }); taskList.Add(task); if (concurrentTasksLimit == taskList.Count) { await Task.WhenAll(taskList); // before clearing the list,you should get the results and store in memory (e.g another list) for later usage... taskList.Clear(); } } //await for all the remaining tasks to complete if (taskList.Any()) await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
请注意,我将taskList更改为实际的List< Task>,它似乎更容易使用它,因为我们需要从列表中添加/删除任务.