我正在构建一个内部应用程序,它将为sqlServer数据库提供管理界面. (不会暴露于公共互联网).所以我并不是真的在销售这个应用程序,拥有GPL许可证应该不是问题.
什么是免费/开源是CodePlex site上提供的内容.如CodePlex页面所述,它是一个可能对您有帮助的框架……
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC is@H_404_12@ a lightweight framework which helps@H_404_12@ you build rich user interfaces for@H_404_12@ ASP.NET MVC while enjoying great@H_404_12@ developer productivity.
How do you license Telerik Extensions@H_404_12@ for ASP.NET MVC product? We offer two@H_404_12@ licensing options for Telerik@H_404_12@ Extensions for ASP.NET MVC.
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC@H_404_12@ Open Source GPL (Open Source License)@H_404_12@ This is a suitable option if you are@H_404_12@ building an application for internal@H_404_12@ use or an open source application with@H_404_12@ a license compatible with the GNU GPL@H_404_12@ v2.0.
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC@H_404_12@ Commercial License (Developer License@H_404_12@ with Subscription and Priority@H_404_12@ Support) This is a suitable option if@H_404_12@ you are building closed-source@H_404_12@ commercial products for redistribution@H_404_12@ or if you wish to avoid integrating@H_404_12@ open-source components into your@H_404_12@ application. This license is provided@H_404_12@ per developer,so you need to purchase@H_404_12@ the appropriate number of developer@H_404_12@ seats from Telerik.