> Windows 8(专业版)
> VS2012
> IISExpress
> ASP.Net MVC4项目
> Orchard CMS是项目(但我不认为这是相关的)@H_404_7@
<authentication mode="Windows" />
但是,在运行该站点时,我不断提示输入凭据.输入Windows 8或本地帐户凭据似乎没有任何区别,我已将这些帐户设置为对该文件夹具有完全权限.@H_404_7@
正如Darin Dimitrov所建议的,我创建了一个空白的MVC项目并选择了Intranet模板.将匿名授权设置为禁用并启用Windows身份验证后,此测试项目完全按预期工作(输入时提示输入凭据可提供对站点的访问权限).我将相同的授权配置应用到我的Orchard项目web.config:@H_404_7@
<authentication mode="Windows" /> <authorization> <deny users="?" /> </authorization>
> Orchard Web.Config:http://pastie.org/private/8oe5jesvt0vmqgyn3w
In order to use the Intranet template,you’ll need to enable Windows
authentication and disable Anonymous authentication.@H_404_7@IIS 7 & IIS 8@H_404_7@
- Open IIS Manager and navigate to your website.
- In Features View,double-click Authentication.
On the Authentication page,select Windows authentication. If Windows authentication is not an option,you’ll need to make sure
Windows authentication is installed on the server.@H_404_7@To enable Windows authentication on Windows:@H_404_7@
a) In Control Panel open “Programs and Features”.@H_404_7@
b) Select “Turn Windows features on or off”.@H_404_7@
c) Navigate to Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Security
and make sure the Windows authentication node is checked.@H_404_7@To enable Windows authentication on Windows Server:@H_404_7@
a) In Server Manager,select Web Server (IIS) and click Add Role Services@H_404_7@
b) Navigate to Web Server > Security
and make sure the Windows authentication node is checked.@H_404_7@In the Actions pane,click Enable to use Windows authentication.@H_404_7@
- On the Authentication page,select Anonymous authentication.
- In the Actions pane,click Disable to disable anonymous authentication.
IIS Express@H_404_7@
- Click on your project in the Solution Explorer to select the project.
- If the Properties pane is not open,open it (F4).
- In the Properties pane for your project: a) Set “Anonymous Authentication” to “Disabled”. b) Set “Windows Authentication” to “Enabled”.