Angular Light is a library for building interactive MVVM web interfaces/applications. Angular.js + Knockout.js way.
Create Directives | = function(element, name, scope, env) { // a function to set a text to the DOM-element var setter = function(text) { $(element).text(value) } // Track to the variable scope.$watch(name, setter, { init: true // Run the setter immediately }); }; |
Directives-events |
al-click | 单击事件 | <a hrefal-click="remove(item)">remove</a> | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
<div al-app al-controller="tt"> js: <script> |
al-dblclick | 双击事件 | <a href="javascript:;"al-dblclick="remove(item)">remove</a> | al-dbclick | 无此用法 | <a href="" al-dblclick="remove(item)">remove</a> | 先触发单击事件 | |||||||||||||||||||||
al-submit | 提交表单执行 | <form class="form-inline"al-submit="append()"> <input class="btn" type="submit" value="Append" /> |
al-blur | 元素失去焦点时 | <input type="text"al-blur="...."> | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
al-change | 元素的值发生改变时,会发生 change 事件,失去焦点时比较 | al-change="....."> | al-focus | 获得焦点时 | al-focus="....."> | 返回的是键盘的代码 |
al-keydown | 按钮被按下时 | al-keydown="..."> | 返回的是ASCII字符 |
如果只想读取字符,用KeyPress,如果想读各键的状态,用KeyDown. |
al-keyup | 按钮被松开时 | al-keyup="..."> | al-mousedown | 当鼠标指针移动到元素上方,并按下鼠标按键 | <dival-mousedown="mousedown++"></div> | al-mouseenter | 鼠标指针穿过元素时 | al-mouseenter="mouseenter++"></div> | al-mouseleave | 鼠标指针离开元素 | al-mouseleave="mouseleave++"></div> | al-mousemove | 获得鼠标指针在页面中的位置 | al-mousemove="mousemove = $event.x + 'x' + $event.y"></div> | al-mouSEOver | 鼠标指针位于元素上方时 | <dival-mouSEOver="mouSEOver++"></div>{{mouSEOver}} | al-mouseup | 松开鼠标按钮时 | al-mouseup="mouseup++"></div> {{mouseup}} | Directives-Controls |
al-checked | radio,checBox选中 | <input type="checkBox" al-checked="true" /> 或<input type="checkBox" al-checked=true /> |
al-radio | radio选中 | <input type="radio" al-radio=true> | checkBox不支持 |
al-disable | al-disable=true时,点击无效 | <button type="" al-disable=true>按钮</button> | angularjs是ng-disabled | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
al-enable | 与al-disable相反 | <button type="" al-enable=false al-disable=false>按钮</button> (有效) | al-focused | 获得焦点 | <div al-app al-init="focused=true"> |
al-readonly | 只读 | <input type="text" al-readonly=true> |
Directives-Special directives |
al-text | 基于属性=基于{{}},加载看不到{{}} |
<h3>Hello {{name}}!</h3> |
angularjs:ng-bind | |||||||||||||||
al-app | 指示一个DOM alight.apps.tagName |
<div al-app></div> |
al-cloak | 隐藏当前元素,直到激活 | al-controller | child scope | <dival-controller="Ctrl1"></div> js: function Ctrl1(scope) { } alight.controllers.Ctrl1=function(scope){} |
al-class/al-css | al-css="done:item.done" |
<div class="Box"></div> 等于 <div al-class="Box:true"> | <div al-class="Box:false">和<div al-class="Box">结果一样 | |||||||||||||||||
al-hide |
none !important
al-hide=true | al-style | al-html | al-if | al-if="false",不显示dom元素 | <dival-if="n===0"class="wave">Linux</div> |
页面: <!-- al-if: n===0 --> <!-- al-if: n===1 --> <div al-if="n===1" class="wave">MacOS</div> |
al-ifnot | 和al-if相反 | al-include | 加载html片段 | <div al-app al-init="page='red.html'"> |
loads a html block from the server | |||||||||||||||||||||||
al-init | 初始化 | al-init="menu='main'; count=7;"></div> | al-repeat | 加载列表 <li al-repeat="item in list"></li> |
<div al-app al-init="friends = [{name:'John',age:25},{name:'Mary',age:28}]"> I have {{friends.length}} friends. They are: |
I have 2 friends. They are:
条件*1 <li al-repeat="item in list | filter"></li> |
<lial-repeat="friend in friends|filter:25"> | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
angularjs <i ng-repeat="it in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] |limitTo:5">({{it}})</i> 可惜al不支持 |
{{$index}} 序列 | <i al-repeat="it in [1,9] ">{{$index}}+({{it}})</i> | {{$first}}是否首个 | <span al-if="$first">first</span> | {{$last}}是否最后一个 | <span al-if="$last">last</span> | al-show | 是否显示 | 和al-if比,不影响dom | ||||||||||||||||||||
al-src | src里填写绑定的元素 | <imgal-src="{{link}}"/> | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
al-stop | 绑定解除 | <dival-appal-init="title='hello'"><span>{{title}}</span><spanal-stop>{{title}}</span></div> |
hello{{title}} |
Directives:Bind-once |
Base filters |
内置的基础过滤器 | data |
转换制定格式 | {{when |date:yyyy-mm-dd}} { |
angularjs <span>{{a| date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}}</span> app.controller('w',function($scope){ |
filter | To filter the list 过滤 | slice |
To slice the list | <i al-repeat="it in [1,9]|slice:5">({{it}})</i>(6)(7)(8)(9) <i al-repeat="it in [1,255)">|slice:5,7">({{it}})</i> (6)(7) |
generator | <div al-repeat="it in 10 | generator"></div> <div al-repeat="it in size | generator"></div> | | |||||||||||||||||||||
toArray | 循环排序 |
<div al-repeat="item in object | toArray:key,value track by key">
| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
orderBy |
排序 | <div al-repeat="(key,value) in user orderBy:'value',false"> js: scope.user = { |
code = ubuntu
name = linux
cc = cc
bb = bb
aa = aa
id = 123
version = 11
throttle | 延时输出 | <div al-app> |
Create filters |
创建过滤器 |
alight.filters.mylimit = function(exp, scope) { var ce = scope.$compile(exp); // compile the input expression return function(value) { // return handler var limit = Number(ce() || 5); return value.slice(0, limit) } } 自测出错 | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Async filters |
异步的过滤器 | alight.filters.trottle = function(delay, env) { delay = Number(delay); var to; return { onChange: function(value) { if(to) clearTimeout(to); to = setTimeout(function() { to = null; env.setValue(value); scope.$scan(); }, delay); } } } | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Text bindings |
绑定 | <div>Hello {{name}}!</div> <a href="htp://{{link}}>link</a> |
单次绑定 | <div al-init="..."> <div>Hello {{=name}}!</div><ahref="htp://{{=link}}>link</a> </div> |
Text directives |
指令 | <div al-app> counter {{#counter}} </div> js: alight.text.counter = function(callback, expression, scope) { var n = 0; setInterval(function(){ n++; callback(n) // set result scope.$scan() // $digest }, 1000); } | | ||||||||||||||||||||
<div al-app> <script> |
One-time binding |
以非空数值绑定后就不再监听 | <div class="red {{::class}}"> {{::text}} </div> <div al-show="::visible"></div> <li al-repeat="it in ::list">...</li> | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scope | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scope.$watch(name,callback,option) | 跟踪变量 | Scope.$compile(expression,221); min-width:0.6em"> 编译表达式 option:
var scope = alight.Scope() var fn = scope.$compile('"hello " + title') scope.title = 'linux' fn() // return "hello linux" scope.title = 'macos' fn() // return "hello macos" |
Scope.$eval(expression) |
执行表达式 | Scope.$watchText(tpl,callback) |
Track the template 跟踪模板 |
Scope.$compileText(tpl) |
var scope = alight.Scope() var fn = scope.$compileText('Hello {{title}}!') scope.title = 'linux' fn() // return "Hello linux!" |
Scope.$evalText(tpl) |
Evalute the template. Method is depricated (since v0.9) |
Scope.$new(isolate) |
Create a child Scope,if isolate == true,then child scope will not be inherited from parent scope,if isolate == ‘root’ then it will be separate root scope. |
Scope.$destroy() | Destroy the Scope. | Scope.$scan(callback or option) | find changes | var scope = alight.Scope() scope.$watch('title', function(value) { console.log('title =', value) }) // make observing scope.title = 'new' scope.$scan() // print title = new scope.title = 'linux' scope.$scan() // print title = linux scope.$scan() // do nothing |
Scope.$scanAsync(callback) | Scope.$scan({late: true,callback: callback}) | Scope.$getValue(name) |
Scope.$eval 获取数值 |
Scope.$setValue(name,value) |
设置变量的值 | scope.var = 1; scope.path.var = 2; scope.path[scope.key] = 3; // equal scope.$setValue('var',153)">1); scope.$setValue('path.var',153)">2); scope.$setValue('path[key]',153)">3); |