@H_301_3@ In this article we’re going to explore the options that Google provides us when implementing Material Design in our websites & apps. While both Angular Material and Material Design Lite follow the Material Design specs,each library implements it in a different way. @H_301_3@ It’s important to mention that both libraries have decent online documentation. They also have fast releases cycles and good support on github and related forums. @H_301_3@ It’s also important to mention that both libraries,namespace their classes with the
prefix. Which is a good practice that helps preventing classes conflicts. Unlike the classes provided with bootstrap (btn
for example).
#Material Design
@H_301_3@ Material Design is a design language developed by Google. It aimed to make a consistent experience across all Google apps & platforms (YouTube,Android,Play,InBox,Gmail,etc.). @H_301_3@ Google announced Material Design at the 2014 Google I/O conference. @H_301_3@ Material Design emphasizes on responsive interactions,mainly through ripple effects. @H_301_3@ Examine how the Material Response makes the element responsive to our touch input:bower install material-design-lite --save
@H_301_3@ npm:
npm Or you can just browse togetmdl.ioand grab the source code. @H_301_3@ Next,we need to create an@H_301_3@ Now we can immediately use any of theMDL components. @H_301_3@ Let’s say we want to add a raised button with ripples,we just need to add the following to the body:index.html
file and include MDL’s CSS file and JS files:@H_403_65@<html><body> <script src=""></script</body> </html>
<button class"mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect> Button </button>
componentHandler.upgradeAllRegistered();@H_301_3@ Material Design Lite offers a variety of components such as buttons,cards,tabs,menus,sliders,text fields and more.. @H_301_3@ Here are some other elements using Material Design Lite: @H_301_3@ Input