$stateChangeStart: 当状态开始改变时触发
$stateChangeSuccess: 当状态改变结束时触发
// Route State Load Spinner(used on page or content load) MetronicApp.directive('ngSpinnerBar',['$rootScope','$state',function($rootScope,$state) { return { link: function(scope,element,attrs) { // by defult hide the spinner bar element.addClass('hide'); // hide spinner bar by default // display the spinner bar whenever the route changes(the content part started loading) $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart',function() { element.removeClass('hide'); // show spinner bar }); // hide the spinner bar on rounte change success(after the content loaded) $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess',function() { element.addClass('hide'); // hide spinner bar $('body').removeClass('page-on-load'); // remove page loading indicator Layout.setAngularJsSidebarMenuActiveLink('match',null,$state); // activate selected link in the sidebar menu // auto scorll to page top setTimeout(function () { App.scrollTop(); // scroll to the top on content load },$rootScope.settings.layout.pageAutoScrollOnLoad); }); // handle errors $rootScope.$on('$stateNotFound',function() { element.addClass('hide'); // hide spinner bar }); // handle errors $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError',function() { element.addClass('hide'); // hide spinner bar }); } }; } ])