有几个流行的递归角度指令Q& A在那里,所有归结为以下解决方案之一:
> example 1 [stackoverflow]
> example 2 [angular jsfiddles page]
> do not use a directive at all,but a< script>模板本身
在通过@ dnc253提到的thread中的描述的解决方案的启发,我抽象的递归功能
into a service。
module.factory('RecursionHelper',['$compile',function($compile){ return { /** * Manually compiles the element,fixing the recursion loop. * @param element * @param [link] A post-link function,or an object with function(s) registered via pre and post properties. * @returns An object containing the linking functions. */ compile: function(element,link){ // Normalize the link parameter if(angular.isFunction(link)){ link = { post: link }; } // Break the recursion loop by removing the contents var contents = element.contents().remove(); var compiledContents; return { pre: (link && link.pre) ? link.pre : null,/** * Compiles and re-adds the contents */ post: function(scope,element){ // Compile the contents if(!compiledContents){ compiledContents = $compile(contents); } // Re-add the compiled contents to the element compiledContents(scope,function(clone){ element.append(clone); }); // Call the post-linking function,if any if(link && link.post){ link.post.apply(null,arguments); } } }; } }; }]);
module.directive("tree",["RecursionHelper",function(RecursionHelper) { return { restrict: "E",scope: {family: '='},template: '<p>{{ family.name }}</p>'+ '<ul>' + '<li ng-repeat="child in family.children">' + '<tree family="child"></tree>' + '</li>' + '</ul>',compile: function(element) { // Use the compile function from the RecursionHelper,// And return the linking function(s) which it returns return RecursionHelper.compile(element); } }; }]);