Angular在HTML属性中使用Inline JavaScript不是“坏做法”?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Angular在HTML属性中使用Inline JavaScript不是“坏做法”?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
<img ng-src="{{img}}" ng-click="setImage(img)">



真的,这一切都归结于这样的事实,你的视图代码必须被钩到你的应用程序逻辑不知何故。 AngularJS的最佳实践通常指出,您应该编写自己的模型 – 代表您的业务域的对象,并将它们附加到范围。想象一下这样的代码
<img ng-src="{{img}}" ng-click="myProfile.setMainImage(img)">
myApp.controller("ProfileController",function($scope,myProfile) {
  $scope.myProfile = myProfile;



$("#someId img").on('click',function() {
  var img = $(this).attr('src');
  myProfile.setMainImage(img); // where does myProfile come from here?
                               // how does it update the view?


所以,我们知道这个原生的jQuery代码是不理想的,但我们仍然不确定整个ngClick事情。让我们将它与另一个非常流行的JavaScript框架进行比较,它提供了一个MV *架构,Backbone。在最近的RailsCasts插曲AngularJS,someone asked a very similar question

Is it just me,or AngularJS looks so a bad idea? Ryan,don’t get me wrong,the episode was great,but I’m not convinced by the framework.

All that ng-show,ng-repeat,ng-class are looking like the old Java’s JSF,and similar frameworks. It also enforces obtrusive JS with ng-submit and ng-click.

So my point is: your view will easily become cluttered and totally dependent on it. The advantage of other frameworks like Backbone,is to have a separation of concerns between the presentation and the behavior (less or no dependencies),and a structured client side application (MVVM).

My response此处也适用:

In a framework like Backbone,you’d have something like the following code (taken from the Backbone website,minus a few lines):


In this object which is a view,you are setting up event handlers on varIoUs elements. These event handlers call functions on the view object,which delegate to models. You also set up callbacks on varIoUs model events (such as change) which in turn call functions on the view object to update the view accordingly.

In Angular,the DOM is your view. When using ng-click,ng-submit,etc.,you are setting up event handlers on these elements,which call functions that should delegate to model objects. When using ng-show,etc. you are setting up callbacks on model events that change the view.

The fact that AngularJS sets up these [hooks and] callbacks behind the scenes for you is irrelevant; the only difference between this and something like Backbone is that Angular lets you write your view declaratively–you describe what your view is–rather than imperatively–describing what your view does.

So,in the end,<a ng-click="model.set({selected: true})"> really adds no more dependencies than


…but it sure is a hell of a lot less code. 原文链接:
