angularjs – 在ui路由器解析过程中应用加载微调

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了angularjs – 在ui路由器解析过程中应用加载微调前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
$ routeProvider的resolve属性允许在渲染相应的视图之前执行一些作业。

实际上,否则用户将感觉到应用程序已经被阻塞,因为没有视图元素被显示一些毫秒> 600。

当然,有一种方法来定义一个全局的div元素从当前视图显示为了显示微调的感谢$ scope。$ rootChangeStart函数

我遇到了this interesting post包含我上面描述的确切问题:

That approach results in a horrible UI experience. The user clicks on
a button to refresh a list or something,and the entire screen gets
blanketed in a generic spinner because the library has no way of
showing a spinner just for the view(s) that are actually affected by
the state change. No thanks.

In any case,after I filed this issue,I realised that the “resolve”
feature is an anti-pattern. It waits for all the promises to resolve
then animates the state change. This is completely wrong – you want
your transition animations between states to run parallel to your data
loads,so that the latter can be covered up by the former.

For example,imagine your have a list of items,and clicking on one of
them hides the list and shows the item’s details in a different view.
If we have an async load for the item details that takes,on average,
400ms,then we can cover up the load almost entirely in most cases by
having a 300ms “leave” animation on the list view,and a 300ms “enter”
animation on the item details view. That way we provide a slicker feel
to the UI and can avoid showing a spinner at all in most cases.

However,this requires that we initiate the async load and the state
change animation at the same moment. If we use “resolve”,then the
entire async animation happens before the animation starts. The user
clicks,sees a spinner,then sees the transition animation. The whole
state change will take ~1000ms,which is too slow.

“Resolve” could be a useful way to cache dependencies between
different views if it had the option not to wait on promises,but the
current behavIoUr,of always resolving them before the state change
starts makes it almost useless,IMO. It should be avoided for any
dependencies that involve async loads.


你可以使用一个监听$ routeChangeStart的指令,例如当元素触发时显示元素:
app.directive('showDuringResolve',function($rootScope) {

  return {
    link: function(scope,element) {


      var unregister = $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart',function() {




<div show-during-resolve class="alert alert-info">
  Please hold.


<span show-during-resolve class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></span>


这可以通过创建一个将作为后备加载器的指令来解决。它将监听$ routeChangeStart并且只有在没有以前的路由时才显示加载器。


app.directive('resolveLoader',function($rootScope,$timeout) {

  return {
    restrict: 'E',replace: true,template: '<div class="alert alert-success ng-hide"><strong>Welcome!</strong> Content is loading,please hold.</div>',link: function(scope,element) {

      $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart',function(event,currentRoute,prevIoUsRoute) {
        if (prevIoUsRoute) return;

        $timeout(function() {

      $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess',function() {


  <div ng-view class="fadein"></div>

