showing form input errors的表格。
如果有一些错误,我需要在输入标签附近显示红色徽章(“悬停显示错误”)。如果用户将鼠标悬停在这个红色徽章上 – 他会使用AngularJS UI Bootstrap tooltip查看错误列表。
<validation-tooltip ng-show="appForm.number.$invalid && appForm.number.$dirty"> <ul> <li ng-show="appForm.number.$error.required">this field is required</li> <li ng-show="appForm.number.$error.number">should be number</li> <li ng-show="appForm.number.$error.min">minimum - 5</li> <li ng-show="appForm.number.$error.max">miximum - 20</li> </ul> </validation-tooltip>
<span tooltip-html-unsafe="{{<ul><li>This field is required;</li><li>...</li></ul>}}">hover to show errors</span>
如何使用AngularJS UI Bootstrap工具提示来编写这样的验证 – tooltip指令?
Demo Fiddle
- Define the tool tip template through its transcluded contents
- Keep track of validation expressions so that they can be evaluated with each digest cycle.
- Expose a controller API for allowing valiationMessage directives to register themselves
- Provide a ‘target’ attribute on the directive to specify which form field the badge (and the associated tooltip) will be bound to
- $form: Bound to the form model defined in parent scope. i.e. $scope.myForm
- $field: Bound to the form.name model in parent scope. i.e. $scope.myForm.myInput
这允许模板绑定到验证属性,例如$ valid,$ invalid,$ pristine,$ dirty和$ error,而不直接引用表单名称或输入字段的名称。例如,所有以下表达式都是有效的绑定表达式:
>`$ form。$ valid`
>`$ form。$ invalid`
>`$ form。$ dirty`
>`$ form。$ pristine`
>`$ form。$ error.required`等…
>`$ field。$ valid`
>`$ field。$ invalid`
>`$ field。$ dirty`
>`$ field。$ pristine`
>`$ field。$ error.required`等…
app.directive('validationTooltip',function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'E',transclude: true,require: '^form',scope: {},template: '<span class="label label-danger span1" ng-show="errorCount > 0">hover to show err</span>',controller: function ($scope) { var expressions = []; $scope.errorCount = 0; this.$addExpression = function (expr) { expressions.push(expr); } $scope.$watch(function () { var count = 0; angular.forEach(expressions,function (expr) { if ($scope.$eval(expr)) { ++count; } }); return count; },function (newVal) { $scope.errorCount = newVal; }); },link: function (scope,element,attr,formController,transcludeFn) { scope.$form = formController; transcludeFn(scope,function (clone) { var badge = element.find('.label'); var tooltip = angular.element('<div class="validationMessageTemplate tooltip-danger" />'); tooltip.append(clone); element.append(tooltip); $timeout(function () { scope.$field = formController[attr.target]; badge.tooltip({ placement: 'right',html: true,title: clone }); }); }); } } });
app.directive('validationMessage',function () { return { restrict: 'A',priority: 1000,require: '^validationTooltip',ctrl) { ctrl.$addExpression(attr.ngIf || true ); } } });
- Add a form with a name attribute
- Add one or more form fields – each with a name attribute and an ng-model directive.
- Declare a
element with atarget
attribute referring to the name of one of the form fields.- Apply the
directive to each message with an optionalng-if
binding expression.
<div ng-class="{'form-group': true,'has-error':form.number.$invalid}"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <label for="number">Number</label> <validation-tooltip target="number"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li validation-message ng-if="$field.$error.required">this field is required </li> <li validation-message ng-if="$field.$error.number">should be number</li> <li validation-message ng-if="$field.$error.min">minimum - 5</li> <li validation-message ng-if="$field.$error.max">miximum - 20</li> </ul> </validation-tooltip> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <input type="number" min="5" max="20" ng-model="number" name="number" class="form-control" required /> </div> </div> </div>