我尝试创建一些核心模块,就像在教程中除了一个细节,我想只提供服务.所以我的CoreModule应该像 – 单身服务提供商,因为我不想在AppModule中提供大量服务,就像应用版本< = RC4一样.我试着做那些东西,但它不起作用.
import { ModuleWithProviders,NgModule,Optional,SkipSelf } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { CommunicatePatientListService } from './services/communicate_patients_list.service'; import { HTTPPatientsListService } from './services/http_patients_list.service'; import { SharedService } from './services/shared_service'; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule ],providers: [ CommunicatePatientListService,HTTPPatientsListService,SharedService ],exports: [] }) export class CoreModule {}
CoreModule: import { ModuleWithProviders,SkipSelf } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { HeaderModule } from './modules/header/header.module'; import { FooterComponent } from './modules/footer/footer.component'; //THAT DOESNT WORK // import { CommunicatePatientListService } from './services/communicate_patients_list.service'; // import { HTTPPatientsListService } from './services/http_patients_list.service'; // import { SharedService } from './services/shared_service'; // import { SchedulerSharedService } from './services/scheduler_shared.service'; // import { FormChangeService } from './services/on_form_change.service'; //IT IS WORKING NOW import { CommunicatePatientListService } from '%sharedServices%/communicate_patients_list.service'; import { HTTPPatientsListService } from 'httpPatientsListService'; import { SharedService } from 'sharedService'; import { SchedulerSharedService } from 'schedulerSharedService'; import { FormChangeService } from 'formChangeService'; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule,HeaderModule,],declarations: [ FooterComponent ],exports: [ FooterComponent,HeaderModule ] }) export class CoreModule { constructor (@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModule) { if (parentModule) { throw new Error( 'CoreModule is already loaded. Import it in the AppModule only'); } } static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule : CoreModule,providers: [ CommunicatePatientListService,SharedService,FormChangeService,SchedulerSharedService ] }; } }
import { Component,Input,OnInit,ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { CommunicatePatientListService } from '%sharedServices%/communicate_patients_list.service'; import { HTTPPatientsListService } from 'httpPatientsListService'; import { SharedService } from 'sharedService'; import { SchedulerSharedService } from 'schedulerSharedService'; import { FormChangeService } from 'formChangeService'; import { Config } from 'appConfig'; /* ------- !Config ---------*/ const MODULE_NAME: string = 'patients_list'; const MODULE_PATH: string = `${Config.getProdFolderName()}/modules/patients/${MODULE_NAME}`; @Component({ templateUrl: `${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}.component.html`,styleUrls: [`${MODULE_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}.component.css`,] }) export class PatientsListComponent implements OnInit { constructor( private patientsListService:HTTPPatientsListService,private patsListServCom:CommunicatePatientListService,private schedulerSharedService:SchedulerSharedService,private sharedService:SharedService ) { }
By convention,the forRoot static method both provides and configures
services at the same time. It takes a service configuration object and
returns a ModuleWithProviders.
Call forRoot only in the root application module,AppModule. Calling
it in any other module,particularly in a lazy loaded module,is
contrary to the intent and is likely to produce a runtime error.Remember to import the result; don’t add it to any other @NgModule
@NgModule({ imports: [CommonModule],declarations: [SomeComponent],exports: [SomeComponent] }) export class CoreModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: CoreModule,providers: [SomeService] }; } }
@NgModule({ imports: [ /** other modules import **/ CoreModule.forRoot(),// you can also pass some config here if needed routing ],declarations: [ AppComponent ],bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { }
Only the root AppModule should import the CoreModule. Bad things
happen if a lazy loaded module imports it.
@NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule ],declarations: [ SomeComponent ],exports: [ SomeComponent ],}) export class CoreModule { constructor (@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModule) { if (parentModule) { throw new Error( 'CoreModule is already loaded. Import it in the AppModule only'); } } static forRoot(config: UserServiceConfig): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: CoreModule,providers: [SomeService] }; } }