在这个线程上的第二个答案之后:Error while integrating html with testacularjs我一直在尝试使用服务来表示我的灯具和svg文件应该由服务器分发,但我仍然得到’NOT FOUND’
files = [ JASMINE,JASMINE_ADAPTER,REQUIRE,REQUIRE_ADAPTER,// put all components in requirejs 'paths' config here (included: false) { pattern: 'preview/public/components/**/*.js',included: false },{ pattern: 'preview/public/js/**/*.js',// assets { pattern: 'preview/public/img/svg/*.svg',included: false,served: true },// helpers & fixtures for jasmine-jquery { pattern: 'test/libs/**/*.js',included: true },{ pattern: 'test/fixtures/**/*.html',// all src and test modules (included: false) { pattern: 'test/specs/**/*.spec.js',// test main require module last 'test/test-main.js' ];
我正在设置jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath到/ fixtures,我可以看到它正在使用正确的路径,但我仍然最终…
GET http:// localhost:9876 / img / svg / directional-pad-gradients.svg 404(未找到)
GET http:// localhost:9876 / fixtures / directional-pad.html 404(未找到)