我试图重现以下基于Angular2的Ionic2应用程序中使用Angular 1.x拦截器和承诺成功实现的行为:
湾重试orignal请求并通过promise / observable将结果提供给调用者
这是原始的Angular 1实现(我只包含拦截器的responseErrorpart):
responseError : function(rejection){ if(rejection.status == 401){ $log.info('Intercepting unauthorized 401 response. Will try to re-register the session and retry the request.'); var security = $injector.get('SecurityService'); var $http = $injector.get('$http'); return security.registerSession().then(function(){ return $http(rejection.config); }); }else{ return rejection; } }
request(url: string | Request,options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> { let req: Request = this.buildRequest(url,options); this.beforeCall(req); var observable = this.http .request(req) .retry(3) .catch(res => { debugger; console.log("ERROR! " + res.status); if(res.status == 401){ this.logger.log('Unauthorized request. Trying to register the session and then retry the request.'); return this.securityService.registerSession().subscribe(() => { // What to do here so the client gets the result of the original request ?? }); } }) .do((res:Response) => { this.afterCall(req,res) }); return observable; }
var observable = this.http .request(req) .retry(3) .catch(res => { debugger; console.log("ERROR! " + res.status); if(res.status == 401){ this.logger.log('Unauthorized request. Trying to register the session and then retry the request.'); return this.securityService.registerSession().flatMap(() => { return this.http.request(req); // <-------- }); } }) .do((res:Response) => { this.afterCall(req,res) }); return observable; }