angular.module('triggerTips') .service('userData',function ($rootScope,$http,$log,$firebase) { this._log = { service : 'userData' }; // Synchronized objects storing the user data var config; var userState; // Loads the user data from firebase this.init = function(readyCallback) { var log = angular.extend({},this._log); log.funct = 'init'; var fireRef = new Firebase('https://XYZfirebaseio.com/' + $rootScope.clientName); config = $firebase(fireRef.child('config')).$asObject(); userState = $firebase(fireRef.child('userState').child($rootScope.userName)).$asObject(); Promise.all([config.$loaded(),userState.$loaded()]). then( function() { if(config == null || Object.keys(config).length < 4) { log.message = 'Invalid config'; $log.error(log); return; } if(!userState.userProperties) { userState.userProperties = {}; } if(!userState.contentProperties) { userState.contentProperties = {}; } log.message = 'User Properties: ' + JSON.stringify(userState.userProperties); $log.debug(log); log.message = 'Content Properties: ' + JSON.stringify(userState.contentProperties); $log.debug(log); log.message = 'Loaded user data from firebase'; $log.debug(log); readyCallback(); },function() { log.message = 'Unable to load user data from firebase'; $log.error(log); } ); }; // Returns the initial tip configuration this.getConfig = function() { return config; }; // Set the value of a user property // A user property is something about the user himself this.setUserProperty = function(property,value) { if(!userState.userProperties) { userState.userProperties = {}; } userState.userProperties[property] = value; userState.$save(); $rootScope.$broadcast('user-property-change',property); }; // Get the value of a user property this.getUserProperty = function(property) { if(userState.userProperties) { return userState.userProperties[property]; } }; // Set the value of a user content property // A content property is something about a particular peice of content for a particular user this.setContentProperty = function(contentName,property,value) { if(!userState.contentProperties[contentName]) { userState.contentProperties[contentName] = {}; } userState.contentProperties[contentName][property] = value; userState.$save(); $rootScope.$broadcast('content-property-change',contentName,property); }; // Increment a count property on the user state for a given tip this.incrementContentProperty = function(contentName,property) { if(!userState.contentProperties[contentName]) { userState.contentProperties[contentName] = {}; } if(!userState.contentProperties[contentName][property]) { userState.contentProperties[contentName][property] = 0; } userState.contentProperties[contentName][property]++; userState.$save(); $rootScope.$broadcast('content-property-change',property); }; // Returns the user state for a given tip and property this.getContentProperty = function(contentName,property) { if(userState.contentProperties) { var t = userState.contentProperties[contentName]; if(t) { return t[property]; } } }; });
'use strict'; describe('Service: userData',function () { // load the service's module beforeEach(function() { module('triggerTips'); }); // instantiate service var userData; beforeEach(inject(function (_userData_) { userData = _userData_; })); it('should load correctly',function () { expect(!!userData).toBe(true); }); describe('after being initialized',function () { beforeEach(function(done) { // Unable to get this working because the callback is never called userData.init(function() { done(); }); jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 2000; }); it('should have a valid config',function (done) { setTimeout(function() { expect(Object.keys(userData.getConfig()).length == 0); done(); },1500);}); }); });
Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by
describe('after being initialized',function () { var $timeout; beforeEach(function () { // Unable to get this working because the callback is never called userData.init(); inject(function ($injector) { $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); }); })); it('should have a valid config',function () { $timeout.flush(); // callback should've been called now that we flushed(). expect(Object.keys(userData.getConfig()).length).toEqual(0); }); });
// $q function get () { var p1 = $timeout(function () { return 'x'; },250); var p2 = $timeout(function () { return 'y'; },2500); return $q.all([p1,p2]); } // expectation it('is correct',function () { var res; get().then(function (r) { res = r; }); $timeout.flush(2500); expect(res).toEqual(['x','y']); });
我不熟悉$firebase(某事)$asObject.$loaded – 因此我可能错过了这里的东西,但假设它的工作原理就像任何其他承诺一样,你应该很好.