import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class MatchMediaService { constructor() { } rules = { print: "print",screen: "screen",phone: '(max-width: 767px)',tablet: '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px)',desktop: '(min-width: 1025px)',portrait: '(orientation: portrait)',landscape: '(orientation: landscape)',retina: '(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 192dpi)' }; Check = function (mq) { if (!mq) { return; } return window.matchMedia(mq).matches; }; /********************************************** METHODS FOR CHECKING TYPE **********************************************/ IsPhone() { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.phone).matches; }; IsTablet = function () { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.tablet).matches; }; IsDesktop = function () { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.desktop).matches; }; IsPortrait = function () { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.portrait).matches; }; IsLandscape = function () { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.landscape).matches; }; IsRetina = function () { return window.matchMedia(this.rules.retina).matches; }; /********************************************** EVENT LISTENERS BY TYPE **********************************************/ OnPhone(callBack) { if (typeof callBack === 'function') { var mql: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(this.rules.phone); mql.addListener((mql: MediaQueryList) => { if (mql.matches) { callBack(mql); } }); } }; OnTablet(callBack) { if (typeof callBack === 'function') { var mql: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(this.rules.tablet); mql.addListener((mql: MediaQueryList) => { if (mql.matches) { callBack(mql); } }); } }; OnDesktop(callBack) { if (typeof callBack === 'function') { var mql: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(this.rules.desktop); mql.addListener((mql: MediaQueryList) => { if (mql.matches) { callBack(mql); } }); } }; OnPortrait(callBack) { if (typeof callBack === 'function') { var mql: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(this.rules.portrait); mql.addListener((mql: MediaQueryList) => { if (mql.matches) { callBack(mql); } }); } }; OnLandscape(callBack) { if (typeof callBack === 'function') { var mql: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(this.rules.landscape); mql.addListener((mql: MediaQueryList) => { if (mql.matches) { callBack(mql); } }); } }; }
import { Component,OnInit,NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { MatchMediaService } from '../shared/services/match-media.service'; import { HomeMobileComponent } from './home-mobile.component'; import { HomeDesktopComponent } from './home-desktop.component'; @Component({ moduleId: module.id,selector: 'home.component',templateUrl: 'home.component.html',providers: [ MatchMediaService ],directives: [ HomeMobileComponent,HomeDesktopComponent ] }) export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { IsMobile: Boolean = false; IsDesktop: Boolean = false; constructor( private matchMediaService: MatchMediaService,private zone: NgZone ) { //GET INITIAL VALUE BASED ON DEVICE WIDTHS AT TIME THE APP RENDERS this.IsMobile = (this.matchMediaService.IsPhone() || this.matchMediaService.IsTablet()); this.IsDesktop = (this.matchMediaService.IsDesktop()); var that = this; /*--------------------------------------------------- TAP INTO LISTENERS FOR WHEN DEVICE WIDTH CHANGES ---------------------------------------------------*/ this.matchMediaService.OnPhone( function (mediaQueryList: MediaQueryList) { that.ShowMobile(); } ); this.matchMediaService.OnTablet( function (mediaQueryList: MediaQueryList) { that.ShowMobile(); } ); this.matchMediaService.OnDesktop( function (mediaQueryList: MediaQueryList) { that.ShowDesktop(); } ); } ngOnInit() { } ShowMobile() { this.zone.run(() => { // Change the property within the zone,CD will run after this.IsMobile = true; this.IsDesktop = false; }); } ShowDesktop() { this.zone.run(() => { // Change the property within the zone,CD will run after this.IsMobile = false; this.IsDesktop = true; }); } }
<home-mobile *ngIf="(IsMobile)"></home-mobile> <home-desktop *ngIf="(IsDesktop)"></home-desktop>
您可以创建自定义的媒体感知* ngIf或* ngSwitch结构指令,使其不太重复.