Multiple directives [tree (module: anbud),tree (module: anbud)] asking for template on:@H_403_3@这可能是由于:@H_301_4@
Multiple directives requesting isolated scope. Multiple directives publishing a controller under the same name. Multiple directives declared with the transclusion option. Multiple directives attempting to define a template or templateURL.@H_403_3@我有一个看起来像这样的观点:@H_301_4@
(function (module) { var tree = function () { return { restrict: "E",controller: "treeController",templateUrl: "/app/NSviewer/templates/parts/tree.html" }; }; module.directive("tree",tree); }(angular.module("anbud")));@H_403_3@我的控制器更复杂:@H_301_4@
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('anbud') .controller('treeController',['$scope','api','$log','localStorage','jwt',function ($scope,api,$log,localStorage,jwt) { // on successfull request function onJson(json) { //$scope.data = json; console.log($scope.data) // set default $('#loading').hide(); $scope.data = {}; $scope.data[0] = {}; $scope.data[0].c = "NS 3420"; $scope.data[0].n = "2015"; $scope.data[0].i = json.i; ; } // error getting json function onError(e) { console.log('error:'); console.log(e); if (e.status === -1) { throw 'Fikk ikke tak i server,sjekk internetforbindelsen din. [404]'; } else if (e.status === 0) { throw 'No connection. Verify application is running. [0]'; } else if (e.status == 404) { throw 'Fikk ikke tak i server,sjekk internetforbindelsen din. [404]'; } else if (e.status == 401) { throw 'Unauthorized [401]'; } else if (e.status == 405) { throw 'HTTP verb not supported [405]'; } else if (e.status == 500) { throw 'Internal Server Error [500].'; } else { throw 'Noe gikk galt. [' + e.status + ']'; } } function onJsonPart(code,json) { console.log('Code: ' + code); console.log('json:'); console.log(json); // validate JSON if (angular.isUndefined(json)) { $log.error('Mottok ingen JSON for ns kode: ' + code); console.log('Mottok ingen JSON for ns kode: ' + code); return; } // check for code in root node in json console.log('$scope.data:'); console.log($scope.data); if (angular.isUndefined($scope.data)) { $log.error('Scope data is not defined'); return; } // TODO: // Skal enten være 26 eller 27,vet ikke om 'Felles bestemmelser' skal være med if (($scope.data[0].i.length !== 26 || $scope.data[0].i.length !== 27) === false) { $log.error('NS koder er ikke lasted ned lokalt!'); return; } // loop gjennom layer 0 av treet // get object containing all ns codes var j = $scope.data[0]; // layer 0 for (var l0 = 0; l0 < j.i.length; l0++) { // layer 1 for (var l1 = 0; l1 < j.i[l0].i.length; l1++) { // fint node in tree if (j.i[l0].i[l1].c === code) { // append to tree j.i[l0].i[l1].i = json.i; return; } } } $log.error('Fant ikke NS kode: "' + code + '"'); } // get json part to append to tree $scope.get = function (code) { // Kun layer 1,AB - AV,BE3 til BE8,CD,CH,CY etc if (code.length > 3 || code.length < 2) { $log.error('NS kode ikke godkjent!'); return; } api.get(code) .then( function (json) { onJsonPart(code,json); },function (error) { onError(error); } ); }; console.log('Getting JSON!'); api.getFirstThreeLayers().then(onJson,onError); }]); }());@H_403_3@不知道是什么原因造成这个问题..@H_301_4@