I set the compileSdkVersion to be 23 which is the latest right now,will older device be able to run it?
是. compileSdkVersion本身与哪些设备无法运行您的应用程序无关.通常,您将其设置为Android SDK的最新版本.
How do I exactly know what should my minSdkVersion be in order to make sure that phone running lower api or version be unable to access it?
How should I set my targetSdk?
在没有任何特别理由选择其他内容的情况下,我通常会在创建项目时选择最新值或次最新值(例如,现在为22或23). targetSdkVersion有助于向后兼容,通常我的描述是“它是您在编写代码时考虑的Android版本”.