尝试使用JDK 1.8和
eclipse neon构建项目时出现以下错误:
[2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/BuildConfig.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/MainActivity.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$attr.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$dimen.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$id.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$layout.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$menu.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$mipmap.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$string.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx PARSE ERROR: [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx unsupported class file version 52.0 ...while parsing com/example/test1/R$style.class [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Dx 11 errors; aborting [2016-07-03 02:40:59 - Test1] Conversion to Dalvik format Failed with error 1
你必须告诉你的java编译器生成java 7兼容的类文件,因为android(dex)目前不支持java 8.
更新:从Android Studio 3.0和Android Gradle Plugin 3.0开始,也可以使用java 8类文件.