>下载此页面的内容:http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=SONG_NAME&v=2&max-results=1,解析它的内容并获取youtube的id(例如EvuL5jyCHOw).这是一个RSS Feed页面,用于搜索视频并显示1个结果(我需要做的就是更改查询).
>下载此页面的内容:http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=YOUTUBES_ID&format=1&alt=json,解析它的内容并获取rtsp(例如rtsp://v7.cache3…3gp).这是一个XML文件,其中包含有关视频的一些信息(名称,长度,缩略图,当然还有 – rtsp链接:).
如果你想知道,我会像这样使用这个类:new YoutubeVideo(VideoView).setVideo(artist“”title);
我怎样才能获得质量更好的网址? (MP4 / FLV / ECT?)
protected String[] extractLinks(String result) { //The title of the downloaded file String title = "bla bla bla"; // An array of strings that will hold the links (in case of error,it will hold 1 string) String[] temper = new String[1]; try{ // Extract the "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map" attr from the flash object Pattern p = Pattern.compile("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map(.*?);"); Matcher m = p.matcher(result); List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>(); while(m.find()){ matches.add(m.group().replace("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=","").replace(";","")); } String[] streamMap = null; List<String> links = new ArrayList<String>(); if(matches.get(0) != null && matches.get(0) != ""){ // Split the "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map" into an array of strings that hold the link values streamMap = matches.get(0).split("%2C"); for (int i = 0; i < streamMap.length; i++){ String url = ""; String sig = ""; //Using regex,we will get the video url. Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("url%3D(.*?)%26"); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(streamMap[i]); List<String> matches2 = new ArrayList<String>(); while(m2.find()){ // We don't need the "url=...&" part. matches2.add(m2.group().substring(6,m2.group().length() - 3)); } url = matches2.get(0); //Using regex again,we will get the video signature. p2 = Pattern.compile("sig%3D(.*?)%26"); m2 = p2.matcher(streamMap[i]); matches2 = new ArrayList<String>(); while(m2.find()){ // We don't need the "sig=...&" part. matches2.add(m2.group().substring(6,m2.group().length() - 3)); } sig = matches2.get(0); //Now lets add a link to our list. Link = url + sig + title. links.add(URLDecoder.decode(URLDecoder.decode(url + "&signature=","UTF-8") + sig + "%26title%3D" + URLDecoder.decode(title,"UTF-8"),"UTF-8")); } } else{ links.add("No download Links"); } //Now lets make temper point to a array that holds the list items (aka links). temper = links.toArray(new String[links.size()]); } catch(Exception ex){ temper[0] = ex.getMessage(); } // That's it! temper has direct download links from youtube! return temper; }