Qt doc说,@H_404_2@
As mentioned,each program has one thread when it is started. This
thread is called the “main thread” (also known as the “GUI thread” in
Qt applications). The Qt GUI must run in this thread.
@H_404_2@Like activities and the other components,services run in the main
thread of the application process
@H_404_2@It is strongly recommended not to update UI controls etc from a
background thread (e.g. a timer,comms etc). This can be the cause of
crashes which are sometimes very hard to identify. Instead use these
to force code to be executed on the UI thread (which is always the
“main” thread).
最长的答案是允许多个线程更新UI会导致死锁,竞争条件和各种麻烦.这是Java AWT(其他UI系统)教授的令人痛苦的教训,允许多个线程触摸UI.参见,例如,this blog post.
@H_404_27@ @H_404_27@