
我想知道是否有办法从 Android模拟器接收短信,也许在TCP端口上.
我知道可以通过在仿真器端口上打开一个TCP套接字并使用“send sms”命令来发送短信到模拟器,但是这样也可以接收短信?

我会详细说明 – 我有一个运行在Tomcat服务器上的java应用程序.我也有一个在同一台机器上运行的Android模拟器.我可以使用“sms send”命令从应用程序发送短信到模拟器.我也可以以某种方式接收短信吗?


朋友,请参考博客中提供的这个答案(从 authentication token does not match ~/.emulator_console_auth_token附加的信息) @H_403_9@

Just connect the emulator using telnet and there we can emulate SMS. Below are the steps to emulate SMS:

Step 1: Start the emulator (with any desired options). Open a new terminal / command shell and type :

adb devices

Note the number after emulator (emulator-5554). This is the port number.

Step 2: Connect to the console using the telnet command:

telnet localhost 5554

Step 3: You will then need to authenticate the session. Find the auth_token in ~/.emulator_console_auth_token and copy the text in the file. Return to the telnet console and enter:

auth {contents_of_token_file}

Step 4: After you have authenticated the shell you can emulate SMS with the command:

sms send <phonesender> <textmessage>


