DB_PATH = context.getDatabasePath("WineDB.sqlite").toString(); sqliteDatabase backupDatabase = backupDBHandler.getWritableDatabase(); backupDatabase.execsql("ATTACH '" + DB_PATH + "' AS 'tempDb'");
sqlDB.execsql("CREATE TABLE my_Producent AS SELECT * FROM tempDb.my_Producent");
public class firstDBHandler extends sqliteOpenHelper { sqliteDatabase firstDB; //FIRST_DB_NAME is something like 'xxx1.sqlite' private static String FIRST_DB_PATH = context.getDatabasePath(FIRST_DB_NAME).toString(); public void copyFromFirstToSecond(String secondDBName,int secondDBVersion) { //use the same context as for the firstDBHandler secondDBHandler = new SecondDBHandler(myContext,secondDBName,secondDBVersion); //here you create the secondDB if it does not exist yet try { secondDBHandler.createDataBase(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sqliteDatabase secondDB = secondDBHandler.getWritableDatabase(); //note there are single quotation marks around FIRST_DB_PATH but none around tempDb secondDB.execsql("ATTACH DATABASE '" + FIRST_DB_PATH + "' AS tempDb"); //here you start to copy the tables from firstDB first by checking if the table exists in secondDB (secondDB is now the 'main' one,tempDB is the attached firstDB secondDB.execsql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main." + SECOND_DB_TABLE_NAME); //here you create a table as a copy of secondDB.execsql("CREATE TABLE main." + SECOND_DB_TABLE_NAME + " AS SELECT * FROM tempDb." + FIRST_DB_TABLE_NAME); //you can run the last two lines of code as many times as you need to copy all of the tables //after you have copied all of them,you need to detach the tempDB secondDB.execsql("DETACH tempDb"); } } public class SecondDBHandler extends sqliteOpenHelper { //SECOND_DB_NAME is something like 'xxx2.sqlite' private static String SECOND_DB_PATH = context.getDatabasePath(SECOND_DB_NAME).toString(); public void createDataBase() throws IOException { boolean dbExist = checkDataBase(); if (dbExist) { // do nothing - database already exist } else { //This calls onCreate method of this SecondDBHandler,where you //create tables that you need initially (but not those which you //intent to copy from firstDB) this.getReadableDatabase(); this.close(); } } public boolean checkDataBase() { File file = new File(SECOND_DB_PATH); return file.exists(); } }
FirstDBHandler firstDBHandler = new FirstDBHandler(getBaseContext(),FIRST_DB_NAME,FIRST_DB_VERSION); firstDBHandler.getReadableDatabase(); firstDBHandler.copyFromFirstToSecond(SECOND_DB_NAME,SECOND_DB_VERSION);