android – 无法加载exp://出错了

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了android – 无法加载exp://出错了前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我使用Expo XDE创建了一个项目.我检查了这个 Can’t load expo app: Something went wrong,但我已经启用了“绘制其他应用程序”.当我扫描这个二维码时,它工作但是当我在Android设备上从XDE运行它时它没有.


import Expo from 'expo';
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet,Text,View } from 'react-native';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,backgroundColor: '#fff',alignItems: 'center',justifyContent: 'center',},});



Dependency graph loaded.
11:19:21 AM
Starting React Native packager...
11:19:24 AM
Scanning 528 folders for symlinks in D:\Expo\first-proj\first-proj\node_modules (18ms)
11:19:24 AM
Loading dependency graph.
11:19:24 AM
Running packager on port 19001.
11:19:25 AM
11:19:33 AM
Project opened! You can now use the "Share" or "Device" buttons to view your project.
11:19:44 AM
opening on Android device
11:19:54 AM
Dependency graph loaded.
11:21:41 AM
opening on Android device
11:23:31 AM
opening on Android device


There was an unhandled error: Could not load exp://
Stack Trace:



您最好打开XDE Client并启用开发模式.然后,单击灰色齿轮以使主机> LAN(局域网 – 这意味着通过WiFi与真实设备共享包).

Localhost选项可能也可以,但根据Expo Debugging docs

If you are using LAN,make sure your device is on the same wifi network as your development machine. This may not work on some public networks. localhost will not work for iOS unless you are in the simulator,and it only works on Android if your device is connected to your machine via USB.

此外,这是我几个月前写的一个视觉信息性答案,也可能有所帮助:How do I run an app on a real iOS device using Expo?
