经过一番搜索,我发现它与调试配置有关.为了现在调试项目,我必须转到Run-> Run Configurations并选择我想要调试的项目.以前,它会自动为我做这件事.我只是从项目中选择一个java文件,它将调试包含该文件的项目.此外,我无法在运行 – >运行配置下的Android应用程序列表中找到我的新项目.我已经尝试在菜单中创建一个新的,但是在指定源时它找不到我的项目文件夹,即使它在Eclipse中已经清楚地打开了. Eclipse最近给我带来了巨大的麻烦,我不明白是什么导致这种情况发生. Eclipse整夜都处于打开状态,计算机没有进入睡眠模式(抱歉浪费电力!).
Did you try to import this existing project in a brand new workspace? (to see if this isn’t related to some kind of workspace Metadata corruption?)
@H_502_16@creating a new workspace seemed to have fixed it. Not sure what could have happened to my old workspace to cause a problem like this.
Should I ditch my old workspace and just import stuff into the new one?它发生了,并且可能是由于某些进程阻止了元数据的更新,导致部分工作空间不健全.
在这种情况下,完全可以保存/移动旧工作区(仅供参考)并创建一个全新的工作区.这个blog post提到:
It seems that this rather cryptic message means nothing more in my case than “please enter a name and project for your run configuration”.
I did have a “name”,but left the “Project” field empty. Entering a value in the ‘project’ (the “AndroBlip” you see next to ‘browse’) fixed it.
Sources seem to indicate that the same error is produced if you don’t enter a value in the ‘name’-field.它实际上引用了类似的SO问题“Android: “Path for project must have only one segment””.
请注意,您尝试在另一个项目中创建项目时会看到相同的错误(详见this thread).