<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
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<title>flexselect tests</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="flexselect.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
input { width: 400px; }
label,input { display: block; }
label { font-weight: bold; }
input,.flexselect_dropdown li { font-size: 1em; }
small { color: #999; }
.flexselect_selected small { color: #ddd; }
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="liquidMetal.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.flexselect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("select.special-flexselect").flexselect({ hideDropdownOnEmptyInput: true });
$("form").submit(function() {
return false;
<label>Pick a Top 100 University or College in North America: <em>(Start typing...)</em></label>
<select class="special-flexselect" id="school" name="school" tabindex="1" data-placeholder="Start typing a school name...">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="1">Massachusetts</option>
<option value="2">Harvard University</option>
<option value="3">University</Option>
<option value="4">检验</option>
<option value="5">测试</option>
/** * flexselect: a jQuery plugin,version: 0.5.2 (2013-01-21) * @requires jQuery v1.3 or later * * FlexSelect is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to convert a select Box into * a Quicksilver-style,autocompleting,flex matching selection tool. * * For usage and examples,visit: * http://rmm5t.github.com/jquery-flexselect/ * * Licensed under the MIT: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.PHP * * Copyright (c) 2009-2012,Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org) */ (function($) { $.flexselect = function(select,options) { this.init(select,options); }; $.extend($.flexselect.prototype,{ settings: { allowMismatch: false,allowMismatchBlank: true,// If "true" a user can backspace such that the value is nothing (even if no blank value was provided in the original criteria) sortBy: 'score',// 'score' || 'name' preSelection: true,hideDropdownOnEmptyInput: false,selectedClass: "flexselect_selected",dropdownClass: "flexselect_dropdown",inputIdTransform: function(id) { return id + "_flexselect"; },inputNameTransform: function(name) { return; },dropdownIdTransform: function(id) { return id + "_flexselect_dropdown"; } },select: null,input: null,dropdown: null,dropdownList: null,cache: [],results: [],lastAbbreviation: null,abbreviationBeforeFocus: null,selectedIndex: 0,picked: false,allowMouseMove: true,dropdownMouSEOver: false,// Workaround for poor IE behaviors init: function(select,options) { this.settings = $.extend({},this.settings,options); this.select = $(select); this.preloadCache(); this.renderControls(); this.wire(); },preloadCache: function() { this.cache = this.select.children("option").map(function() { return { name: $.trim($(this).text()),value: $(this).val(),score: 0.0 }; }); },renderControls: function() { var selected = this.settings.preSelection ? this.select.children("option:selected") : null; this.input = $("<input type='text' autocomplete='off' />").attr({ id: this.settings.inputIdTransform(this.select.attr("id")),name: this.settings.inputNameTransform(this.select.attr("name")),accesskey: this.select.attr("accesskey"),tabindex: this.select.attr("tabindex"),style: this.select.attr("style"),placeholder: this.select.attr("data-placeholder") }).addClass(this.select.attr("class")).val($.trim(selected ? selected.text(): '')).css({ visibility: 'visible' }); this.dropdown = $("<div></div>").attr({ id: this.settings.dropdownIdTransform(this.select.attr("id")) }).addClass(this.settings.dropdownClass); this.dropdownList = $("<ul></ul>"); this.dropdown.append(this.dropdownList); this.select.after(this.input).hide(); $("body").append(this.dropdown); },wire: function() { var self = this; this.input.click(function() { self.lastAbbreviation = null; self.focus(); }); this.input.mouseup(function(event) { // This is so Safari selection actually occurs. event.preventDefault(); }); this.input.focus(function() { self.abbreviationBeforeFocus = self.input.val(); self.input.select(); if (!self.picked) self.filterResults(); }); this.input.blur(function() { if (!self.dropdownMouSEOver) { self.hide(); if (self.settings.allowMismatchBlank && $.trim($(this).val()) == '') self.setValue(''); if (!self.settings.allowMismatch && !self.picked) self.reset(); } if (self.settings.hideDropdownOnEmptyInput) self.dropdownList.show(); }); this.dropdownList.mouSEOver(function(event) { if (!self.allowMouseMove) { self.allowMouseMove = true; return; } if (event.target.tagName == "LI") { var rows = self.dropdown.find("li"); self.markSelected(rows.index($(event.target))); } }); this.dropdownList.mouseleave(function() { self.markSelected(-1); }); this.dropdownList.mouseup(function(event) { self.pickSelected(); self.focusAndHide(); }); this.dropdown.mouSEOver(function(event) { self.dropdownMouSEOver = true; }); this.dropdown.mouseleave(function(event) { self.dropdownMouSEOver = false; }); this.dropdown.mousedown(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); this.input.keyup(function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 13: // return event.preventDefault(); self.pickSelected(); self.focusAndHide(); break; case 27: // esc event.preventDefault(); self.reset(); self.focusAndHide(); break; default: self.filterResults(); break; } if (self.settings.hideDropdownOnEmptyInput){ if(self.input.val() == "") self.dropdownList.hide(); else self.dropdownList.show(); } }); this.input.keydown(function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 9: // tab self.pickSelected(); self.hide(); break; case 33: // pgup event.preventDefault(); self.markFirst(); break; case 34: // pgedown event.preventDefault(); self.markLast(); break; case 38: // up event.preventDefault(); self.moveSelected(-1); break; case 40: // down event.preventDefault(); self.moveSelected(1); break; case 13: // return case 27: // esc event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); break; } }); var input = this.input; this.select.change(function () { input.val($.trim($(this).children('option:selected').text())); }); },filterResults: function() { var abbreviation = this.input.val(); if (abbreviation == this.lastAbbreviation) return; var results = []; $.each(this.cache,function() { this.score = LiquidMetal.score(this.name,abbreviation); if (this.score > 0.0) results.push(this); }); this.results = results; if (this.settings.sortBy == 'score') this.sortResultsByscore(); else if (this.settings.sortBy == 'name') this.sortResultsByName(); this.renderDropdown(); this.markFirst(); this.lastAbbreviation = abbreviation; this.picked = false; this.allowMouseMove = false; },sortResultsByscore: function() { this.results.sort(function(a,b) { return b.score - a.score; }); },sortResultsByName: function() { this.results.sort(function(a,b) { return a.name < b.name ? -1 : (a.name > b.name ? 1 : 0); }); },renderDropdown: function() { var dropdownBorderWidth = this.dropdown.outerWidth() - this.dropdown.innerWidth(); var inputOffset = this.input.offset(); this.dropdown.css({ width: (this.input.outerWidth() - dropdownBorderWidth) + "px",top: (inputOffset.top + this.input.outerHeight()) + "px",left: inputOffset.left + "px",maxHeight: '' }); var html = ''; $.each(this.results,function() { //html += '<li>' + this.name + ' <small>[' + Math.round(this.score*100)/100 + ']</small></li>'; html += '<li>' + this.name + '</li>'; }); this.dropdownList.html(html); this.adjustMaxHeight(); this.dropdown.show(); },adjustMaxHeight: function() { var maxTop = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() - this.dropdown.outerHeight(); var top = parseInt(this.dropdown.css('top'),10); this.dropdown.css('max-height',top > maxTop ? (Math.max(0,maxTop - top + this.dropdown.innerHeight()) + 'px') : ''); },markSelected: function(n) { if (n < 0 || n >= this.results.length) return; var rows = this.dropdown.find("li"); rows.removeClass(this.settings.selectedClass); this.selectedIndex = n; var row = $(rows[n]).addClass(this.settings.selectedClass); var top = row.position().top; var delta = top + row.outerHeight() - this.dropdown.height(); if (delta > 0) { this.allowMouseMove = false; this.dropdown.scrollTop(this.dropdown.scrollTop() + delta); } else if (top < 0) { this.allowMouseMove = false; this.dropdown.scrollTop(Math.max(0,this.dropdown.scrollTop() + top)); } },pickSelected: function() { var selected = this.results[this.selectedIndex]; if (selected) { this.input.val(selected.name); this.setValue(selected.value); this.picked = true; } else if (this.settings.allowMismatch) { this.setValue.val(""); } else { this.reset(); } },setValue: function(val) { if (this.select.val() === val) return; this.select.val(val).change(); },hide: function() { this.dropdown.hide(); this.lastAbbreviation = null; },moveSelected: function(n) { this.markSelected(this.selectedIndex+n); },markFirst: function() { this.markSelected(0); },markLast: function() { this.markSelected(this.results.length - 1); },reset: function() { this.input.val(this.abbreviationBeforeFocus); },focus: function() { this.input.focus(); },focusAndHide: function() { this.focus(); this.hide(); } }); $.fn.flexselect = function(options) { this.each(function() { if (this.tagName == "SELECT") new $.flexselect(this,options); }); return this; }; })(jQuery);
/** * LiquidMetal,version: 1.2.1 (2012-04-21) * * A mimetic poly-alloy of Quicksilver's scoring algorithm,essentially * LiquidMetal. * * For usage and examples,visit: * http://github.com/rmm5t/liquidMetal * * Licensed under the MIT: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.PHP * * Copyright (c) 2009-2012,Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org) */ var LiquidMetal = (function() { var score_NO_MATCH = 0.0; var score_MATCH = 1.0; var score_TRAILING = 0.8; var score_TRAILING_BUT_STARTED = 0.9; var score_BUFFER = 0.85; var WORD_SEPARATORS = " \t_-"; return { lastscore: null,lastscoreArray: null,score: function(string,abbrev) { // short circuits if (abbrev.length === 0) return score_TRAILING; if (abbrev.length > string.length) return score_NO_MATCH; // match & score all var allscores = []; var search = string.toLowerCase(); abbrev = abbrev.toLowerCase(); this._scoreAll(string,search,abbrev,-1,[],allscores); // complete miss if (allscores.length == 0) return 0; // sum per-character scores into overall scores,// selecting the maximum score var maxscore = 0.0,maxArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < allscores.length; i++) { var scores = allscores[i]; var scoreSum = 0.0; for (var j = 0; j < string.length; j++) { scoreSum += scores[j]; } if (scoreSum > maxscore) { maxscore = scoreSum; maxArray = scores; } } // normalize max score by string length // s. t. the perfect match score = 1 maxscore /= string.length; // record maximum score & score array,return this.lastscore = maxscore; this.lastscoreArray = maxArray; return maxscore; },_scoreAll: function(string,searchIndex,abbrIndex,scores,allscores) { // save completed match scores at end of search if (abbrIndex == abbrev.length) { // add trailing score for the remainder of the match var started = (search.charAt(0) == abbrev.charAt(0)); var trailscore = started ? score_TRAILING_BUT_STARTED : score_TRAILING; fillArray(scores,trailscore,scores.length,string.length); // save score clone (since reference is persisted in scores) allscores.push(scores.slice(0)); return; } // consume current char to match var c = abbrev.charAt(abbrIndex); abbrIndex++; // cancel match if a character is missing var index = search.indexOf(c,searchIndex); if (index == -1) return; // match all instances of the abbreviaton char var scoreIndex = searchIndex; // score section to update while ((index = search.indexOf(c,searchIndex+1)) != -1) { // score this match according to context if (isNewWord(string,index)) { scores[index-1] = 1; fillArray(scores,score_BUFFER,scoreIndex+1,index-1); } else if (isUpperCase(string,index)) { fillArray(scores,index); } else { fillArray(scores,score_NO_MATCH,index); } scores[index] = score_MATCH; // consume matched string and continue search searchIndex = index; this._scoreAll(string,allscores); } } }; function isUpperCase(string,index) { var c = string.charAt(index); return ("A" <= c && c <= "Z"); } function isNewWord(string,index) { var c = string.charAt(index-1); return (WORD_SEPARATORS.indexOf(c) != -1); } function fillArray(array,value,from,to) { for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { array[i] = value; } return array; } })();原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/ajax/166035.html