用AJAX前台获取后台.cs数值 aspx: function select (price) { var param = "option=select&price=" + price; var options = { method: 'post',parameters: param,onComplete: function(transport) { var retv = transport.responseText; //获取到得值 } } new Ajax.Request('index.aspx',options); // index.aspx 为当前页面 } .cs if(Request.Form["option"] != null && Request.Form["option"].Trim().Equals("select")) { Response.Write(...); //通过Response将数据传给.aspx页面 Response.End(); return; } 以上代码的原理为 1 .aspx页面写好AJAX方法来获取后台数据 2 .cs文件获取页面要显示的数据 通过AJAX的Response.Write()方法传给前台页面 以下为项目部分源码 if (Request.Form["Option"] != null && Request.Form["Option"].Trim().Equals("select")) { string where = string.Empty; string prices = Request.Form["price"].ToString().Trim(); string[] price = prices.Split('-'); if (prices=="0") { where = ""; } else if (price.Length>1) { where = " and price between " + price[0] + " and " + price[1]+" "; } else { where = " and price > 5000 "; } StringBuilder sb = BindProductBySearch(where); //StringBuilder sb来接收下面方法的返回值 Response.Write(sb.ToString()); //将sb传给前台页面 Response.End(); return; } private StringBuilder BindProductBySearch(string strwhere) { BLL.Shop.ShopProduct shopbll = new BLL.Shop.ShopProduct(); sqlDataReader reader = shopbll.GetProductForIndex(strwhere); StringBuilder products = new StringBuilder(); string style = " style=\"margin-left:0\" "; int count = 1; while (reader.Read()) { string imageUrl = reader["images"].ToString().Trim(); string ppxh = reader["PPXH"].ToString().Trim();//品牌 string price = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Price"]).ToString(); string model = reader["Model"].ToString(); string id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["id"]).ToString(); string pm = TelRen.Common.PubUtil.SubStringTen(ppxh + " " + model,10); string condition = reader["condition"].ToString(); products.Append("<div class=\"main_pro_Box\" "); if(count%6==1) { products.Append(style); } products.Append(">\n"); products.Append("<a href=\"membercenter/pro_show_" + id + "_1.html\"><img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"102px\" height=\"102px\" /></a>\n"); products.Append("<br /><b style=\"color:#FF3300\"><b style=\"color:#666666\">¥</b>" + price + "</b><br />\n"); products.Append("<span style=\"color:#0045DF\">"+pm+"<br />\n"); products.Append("成色:"+condition+"</span></div>\n"); count++; } reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); reader = null; return products; }用AJAX前台获取后台.cs数值 用AJAX前台获取后台.cs数值 aspx: function select (price) { var param = "option=select&price=" + price; var options = { method: 'post',10); string condition = reader["condition"].ToString(); products.Append("<div class=\"main_pro_Box\" "); if(count%6==1) { products.Append(style); } products.Append(">\n"); products.Append("<a href=\"membercenter/pro_show_" + id + "_1.html\"><img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"102px\" height=\"102px\" /></a>\n"); products.Append("<br /><b style=\"color:#FF3300\"><b style=\"color:#666666\">¥</b>" + price + "</b><br />\n"); products.Append("<span style=\"color:#0045DF\">"+pm+"<br />\n"); products.Append("成色:"+condition+"</span></div>\n"); count++; } reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); reader = null; return products; }