# require: jQuery # Encapsulate the logic to dynamic load content by Url flag segment class UrlFlagNaviListener #public: constructor: (@m_container,@m_uiLoading,@m_uiError)-> this.__addListener(); naviContent: (contentAjaxUrl)-> contentAjaxUrl = (contentAjaxUrl || window.location.hash).slice(1); this._naviContentImpl(contentAjaxUrl); #protected: _naviContentImpl: (contentAjaxUrl) -> # to be overriden #private: __addListener: ()-> $(window).on("hashchange",()=> this.naviContent(); ); class ContentNaviListener extends UrlFlagNaviListener #protected: _naviContentImpl: (contentAjaxUrl) -> if (contentAjaxUrl isnt '') # cancel the prevIoUs page's deferred if (@m_prevRequest?.deferred.state() is 'pending') console.log("PrevIoUs request is cancelled.") @m_prevRequest.deferred.abort(); @m_prevRequest.stopAnimation(); @m_prevRequest = null; @m_container.hide(); @m_uiError.hide(); request = {}; # Start animation and return the function to stop it request.stopAnimation = (()=> animation = ()=>@m_uiLoading.fadeIn(800).fadeOut(1000); animation(); timer = setInterval(animation,2000); stopAnimation = ()=> clearInterval(timer); @m_uiLoading.stop().hide(); return stopAnimation )(); # Force IE9 refresh the ajax page leadingChar = if (contentAjaxUrl.indexOf("?") is -1) then "?" else "&" contentAjaxUrl += "#{leadingChar}timeStamp=#{new Date().getTime()}" request.deferred = $ .get(contentAjaxUrl) .done( (data,textStatus,jqXHR)=> request.stopAnimation(); @m_container.show().html(data) ) .fail( ()=> request.stopAnimation(); @m_uiError.show() ) @m_prevRequest = request; ############ # Exports ############ window.ContentNaviListener = ContentNaviListener;